Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for January 31, 2013

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    amevang  about 12 years ago

    I don’t get it?

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    kullyrai  about 12 years ago

    Maybe Arlo changed the channel to something Janis would want to watch, only for her to decide that she is going to go and read instead. Hence the slight annoyance in the final panel.As for his comment in the final comment, maybe it wasn’t a TV channel, but a DVD they rented?

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    Pataruski Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I don’t get it eith… wait, I get it! He turns the channel. He doesn’t like whats on. Still doesn’t but watches anyway. She isn’t impressed either, so goes to read…He changes channels, maybe surfs, still displeased, flips again or flips it off.message: “The video store is dead, replaced by 100 channels! But we get 100 channels of crap,so its back to the video store.”

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    George Alexander  about 12 years ago

    The central theme of the strip is that while A&J are crazy-nuts about each other, on every level, they are, nevertheless, so very different. Here, Janis, ever the realist, cuts the crap that’s on the idiot tube to the quick, while Arlo, ever hopeful, gives it a couple of more tries. He ends up defeated, she quit in time, undefeated.

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    belcherman  about 12 years ago

    OK, my take: Arlo and Janis are watching TV. Whatever they are watching stinks. Janis decides to go read a book. Arlo decides to rent a video via some on-line method, hence the video store reference.

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    Notgiven  about 12 years ago

    I’ve got on-demand from a digital TV provider and Amazon Prime. What do I need with a video store?

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    paultunes  about 12 years ago

    don’t A&J have jobs? didn’t they have a kid once? lately it just seems they watch TV or play with their iPhone.

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    catsservant  about 12 years ago

    Maybe he’s just being literal. The DVD store is dead. I can’t find one within 20 miles of my house.

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    finale  about 12 years ago

    Anything (except Honey Booboo and the Krashdashians) but a “Lifetime” movie…..aaaargh!

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    DDS029  about 12 years ago

    I’m going with the:1. Channel Surfing2. Stopped on some channel, but still not that interested.3. Janis isn’t impressed either, but realizes it’s probably not getting any better, gives up.4. Arlo, still trying, but wishing all the video rental stores hadn’t gone out of business. You only miss them once the’re gone, thing..Around here the only video RENTAL is a Redbox at the local Mega-Mart.

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    bigsnooze  about 12 years ago

    even if you get this strip it’s still not funny

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    iced tea  about 12 years ago

    I think Janis is bored watching Arlo play with the remote so she goes off to read. Something of that nature…

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    lynnskay  about 12 years ago

    I thought it was a play on the brick and mortar book stores being dead. But Janis goes to read a book, so now it’s the video store is dead. The one video store in my small town is still there. Don’t know how well it’s doing. Never been in it.

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