Enjoying Europe, Charlene?
Paris is, Like 90% gourmet cuisine!
and Italy?
Forget about it! all they do is eat, eat, eat!
So you're still on the fast aren't you?
You should try it. I feel great!
Aaaaa! Charlene! You should be enjoying it. They have great food over there — and much healthier than what most Americans eat. You can always “fast” when you get back home.
margueritem about 12 years ago
Lyons Group, Inc. about 12 years ago
And she’ll back here in the states sometime around April.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 12 years ago
Share the misery.
bluegirl285 about 12 years ago
Is she NUTS?!!! Trying to fast while on vacation in Paris AND Italy?!!!
ewalnut about 12 years ago
Aaaaa! Charlene! You should be enjoying it. They have great food over there — and much healthier than what most Americans eat. You can always “fast” when you get back home.
cabalonrye about 12 years ago
@AshburnStadium – you call it gourmet, we call it every day food. ;)