I spent quite some time Googling. Found one reference to Basil as a shapeless sweater design. Found several for basil as a green color of some sweaters. Found pictures of a baby and a dog named Basil wearing sweaters. But none of it explains who Baasil is.
el8 about 12 years ago
A sheep in Baasil’s clothing.
rockngolfer about 12 years ago
Scotland has an ad with two ponies in sweaters.
celeconecca about 12 years ago
shetland ponies in shetland sweaters.
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
Isn’t anyone going to ask who’s Baasil?
comicnut4636 about 12 years ago
Who’s Baasil??
mistercatworks about 12 years ago
He’s dressed like an Easter Egg and Baasil is just a sheepish naame.
pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago
I spent quite some time Googling. Found one reference to Basil as a shapeless sweater design. Found several for basil as a green color of some sweaters. Found pictures of a baby and a dog named Basil wearing sweaters. But none of it explains who Baasil is.
geneboecker about 12 years ago
Baaaaa Humbug!
vldazzle about 12 years ago
Was that wool of his sweater some of Baasil’s?