Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 29, 2013

  1. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hahahaha!!! Love how Electra thinks!Good morning, Cathy clan! I’m sorry you’ve had a bad week, Susan, I hope you have a great weekend and next week is better!

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  2. 00000
    alondra  over 11 years ago

    Cathy didn’t say she had a bad week, only that she’s tired. It would be nice if her dog could do a bit of fetching. Goodness knows a cat wouldn’t.

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  3. Tvman
    gmforde  over 11 years ago

    Two of my dog friends would be wanting chicken treats, not cookies. lol

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    Mickeylacey  over 11 years ago

    everymorning I ask my dogs if coffee is ready….same answer woof !!!!

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  5. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 11 years ago

    LOL!!! I just LOVE Electra!!! I know with all my heart that my dog understands every single thing I say to her because she’s proven to me time and again over the years just how smart she really is!!!!! But she wouldn’t fetch any of those items for me either (although she most certainly WOULD get a dog cookie if she did!) — for the simple reason that, even if she wanted to, she only weighs 9 lbs. and wouldn’t be anywhere NEAR tall enough to reach any of them!!!!!




    Hi, rgcviper! Regarding yesterday’s strip: my guess when I read it meant that it had to do with Cathy accepting Irving’s invitation to his high school reunion. You KNOW how much her mother goes on and on about how Cathy needs to find a man, settle down and get busy producing grandchildren for her to spoil rotten and brag about. Therefore, Cathy didn’t want her mother to get started on her usual nauseating fixation regarding (Cathy’s) love life and trying to make something more out of this “date” than it really is — which is an evening out with an old boyfriend that she still happens to be friends with who really wants to go to his high school class reunion but is too afraid and insecure to go alone. The end. (Of course, my interpretation could be wrong. Anyone else have an opinion?)


    lightenup: I saw on FBoFW that Jr. is heading off to sleep-away camp for the first time. How long will she be gone? Don’t worry about your baby girl. I’m sure she’ll do just fine. She’ll be with a friend, which means she won’t really be all alone so that should make things a lot easier for her while she’s away from you.


    Hello and Happy Saturday, fellow “Cathy” clan. Hope everyone’s having a really great weekend so far!!!!! :-)

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  6. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Hi sis!! Yes, Jr is going to sleep-away camp for the first time in July for a week. She’s extremely nervous about it and sort of doesn’t want to go. She’s a homebody and not really daring. Her friends are all excited about being home alone and doing “grown-up” things, but she’s not really interested most of the time. For the most part, I’m totally fine with that (I definitely don’t want her growing up too fast), but I also know that most of the kids in her grade go to sleep-away camps so I want her to understand what they’re talking about and to get a taste of independence. I know she’ll be fine (it’s Girl Scout camp) and she’ll have fun, but it will be a new experience for us both. (I’ll miss her!!) Heck, my sister has been sending her kids to sleep-away camp for 8 weeks ever since they were 7, but that’s too much for me!!Regarding yesterday’s Cathy strip, I read it in a more generic manner to mean that Cathy’s mom always wants to make a remark to Cathy, and Cathy just doesn’t want to hear it! It could have been about the reunion, Cathy’s outfit, what Cathy eats or buys, Irving, or whatever… Cathy’s mom really wants to say something about it, Cathy doesn’t want to hear it, but Cathy’s mom just can’t contain herself. And because those two are peas in a pod (2 nuts in a shell LOL!), Cathy knows exactly what her mom is thinking even if she doesn’t say it and it’s driving her nuts!

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  7. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 11 years ago

    Now that’s one sharp dog. I’ve always loved the name Electra, too.

    HI, MOM. Hello, “Cathy” Clan.

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