Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for July 09, 2013

  1. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Please pass the barf bag, Susan! Irving is being so ridiculous!!I do understand wanting to look good when you see someone (or a group) that you haven’t seen in a while. I try to look good whenever I travel to visit friends and family that I rarely see. So I’ll try to lose weight or get a facial or buy a new outfit, but I still look pretty much the same as usual. (And my outfit makes me look polished, not someone who is insecure about my age!)Good morning, Cathy clan!

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  2. Beafraidmyspace
    saxie5  over 11 years ago

    Apparently he also said no to common sense.

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  3. Cat and flowers
    catsarge10  over 11 years ago

    Isn’t white hair worse than gray hair? Of course, maybe whoever colored the strip should have made it blonde. I love it when crazy Cathy is the voice of reason.Hello, Cathy Clan!

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  4. Missing large
    catmom to Atticus +4  over 11 years ago

    Nothing like a class reunion to get people convinced they need to remake themselves.

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  5. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 11 years ago

    Yes, Irving — you SHOULD be ashamed of who you are!!!!! Thanks to you, this is a vision I’ll probably never be able to get out of my head now . . . not even with all the brain bleach in the entire world!!! What is WRONG with you, anyhow?!? Whitening your teeth, touching up the gray a little bit and buying a new age-appropriate outfit I can understand because pretty much everyone wants to look their very best for something like this [I did the exact same thing back in 2007 for my 20-year high school reunion] . . . but this is absolutely ridiculous!!!!! My condolences at this “revolting development,” Cathy. Again, if tonight is the reunion, STAY HOME!!! Or, better still, you’re wearing such a cute dress; don’t waste it. Treat yourself out to dinner at a nice restaurant and show it off there instead (just don’t take Irving along in the event that he decides NOT to attend his class reunion without you). AACK!!!


    Hi, rgcviper!


    Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone’s having a really great day so far!!!!! :-)

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  6. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 11 years ago

    For the sake of this comic, it’s really a shame that they don’t sell [eye-rolls] in bulk. People here would pick ‘em up in spades. Just sayin’.

    HI, MOM. Greetings, Clan.

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