I guess this is why Cathy is always shopping. Her weight must go up and down so much that everything is either too big or too small so she has to keep buying things that are “just right” for whatever weight she is at the time. But you’d think that after a while, she’s bound to have at least one thing in her closet that fits!
Hi, rgcviper!
Hello and Happy Thursday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone’s having a really nice day today.
Been having tummy trouble for several weeks (since an uneventful endoscopy) and nothing with a waistband fits — no matter how big it is. I can empathize with Cathy in dredging the closet for anything that I might be able to wear.
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Boy, been there, done that! Happy Day all.
drbeth over 11 years ago
Ditto!!!! Morning, Clan!
tbritt99 over 11 years ago
Cathy must re-organize her closet alot.
Gretchen's Mom over 11 years ago
I guess this is why Cathy is always shopping. Her weight must go up and down so much that everything is either too big or too small so she has to keep buying things that are “just right” for whatever weight she is at the time. But you’d think that after a while, she’s bound to have at least one thing in her closet that fits!
Hi, rgcviper!
Hello and Happy Thursday, fellow “Cathy” fans. Hope everyone’s having a really nice day today.
lindz.coop Premium Member over 11 years ago
Been having tummy trouble for several weeks (since an uneventful endoscopy) and nothing with a waistband fits — no matter how big it is. I can empathize with Cathy in dredging the closet for anything that I might be able to wear.
rgcviper over 11 years ago
How about the “whatever is easiest to reach” mood?
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.