Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 19, 2018
Cathy: Zero calories! Zero fat! Zero carbs! "Every day more than 70 million disposable plastic water bottles are used in America. Every year, 22 billion of them are dumped in landfills or incinerators. In a landfill, it takes 1000 years for one plastic bottle to decompose. In an incinerator, the melting plastic releases toxic fumes which attack the ozone layer. The bottles that aren't buried or burned clog rivers or float to the ocean where they cripple or kill sea life. Even if every single bottle were recycled, the amount of oil required to make, pack and deliver that many bottles and the environmental havoc wreaked by all of the above is unthinkable." I want tap water!! Irving: Can't drink tap. It might not be good for us. Earth. Then: 80% Water. Now: 80% Water bottles. New for 2007: Water guilt.
ajakimber425 over 6 years ago
Face it! Everything we eat or drink is bad for us. Even, the stuff we think is good eventually turns out to be bad, too!
SunflowerGirl100 over 6 years ago
Occasionally “bad” is proven good – Think chocolate, coffee, eggs!
rgcviper over 6 years ago
Sheesh. Kinda makes you rethink drinking so much water from bottles, doesn’t it?
HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.
SnowBunny12 over 6 years ago
We’ve switched to using reusable water bottles and keeping a Brita pitcher in our fridge.
lightenup Premium Member over 6 years ago
Drinking from a one-time use water bottle is never needed, unless your tap water is unsafe. Get a reusable bottle and fill it with tap water, and it is fine! If you don’t understand the destruction that disposable bottles are doing to the earth and even your body, then you haven’t been paying attention or done any research!! If your tap water is unsafe, then I get it, but most tap water is fine for drinking so don’t think it’ll ever be better to buy a plastic bottle of water. Most of the time, bottled water is the same quality as tap water, with the extra “bonus” of adding chemicals from the plastic bottle and destroying the environment. Good for Cathy to bring this to people’s attention, and this comic was 11 years ago!!
Hello Cathy friends! Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a great day!