Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for February 03, 2013

  1. Img 6884
    Rod Gonzalez  about 12 years ago

    Yep, Tom Jones has had that effect on women for years. . .

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    Superfrog  about 12 years ago

    It happens every day

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  3. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    Please wash your panties before you throw them onstage, Roz.

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    Llewellenbruce  about 12 years ago

    She’ll probably throw her bra at him.

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  5. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 12 years ago

    Elvis is dead but Tom Jones lives on in the hearts of middle aged and not-so-middle aged (anymore) women.He is a legend in his own mind. But he still wows ’em.

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    Willa Rolfes  about 12 years ago

    The joke is “it’s not unusual” is Tom Jones’ song.

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    cygnustigris  about 12 years ago

    All I can say is, thanks for sticking that song in my head! Now I have to go find some Engelbert Humperdinck to evict it.

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    cygnustigris  about 12 years ago

    Well, the comic gave me ’It’s not Unusual’, but gmartin997 is appreciated for the alternative contribution, as well.

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  9. Foolishhandsomebarracuda max 1mb
    Frog-on-a-Log Premium Member about 12 years ago

    It’s Not Unusual

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    mkd_1218  about 12 years ago

    So, “What’s new, pussycat?”

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    avarner  about 12 years ago

    This is part of a very old joke. I kicked the slats out of my crib the first time I heard it:

    A man goes to the doctor. Says he is having trouble sleeping. Says when he drifts off he hears “What’s New Pussycat?”

    It rings through his head for hours. Finally he starts to drift off. He is awakened again by the Green, Green Grass Of Home. It happens every night and the man is exhausted.

    The doctor says “You have Tom Jones Syndrome.”

    Man says" I have never heard of it. It it rare?"

    Doctor says " Its Not Unusual."

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  12. St655
    Stormrider2112  about 12 years ago

    A guy walks into a psychiatrist’s offices and says, “Doc, I can’t stop singing ’The Green Green Grass Of Home!”The psychiatrist replies, “Oh, it sounds like you have ‘Tom Jones Syndrome.’”“Well, is it rare, or
?”“It’s not unusual.”

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    rpbass  about 12 years ago

    Long way to go for that punchline. :-)

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    Jaroca2  about 12 years ago

    earworms galore today!!!


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    brick10  about 12 years ago

    He’s no Engelbert Humperdink!

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