Not if you drop that tray ! I’ll disown him completely, as an alcohol abuser….
no, my wife’s. (kids are ok when properly sauteed)
Why, do you want him?
Where did he get a feather??They serve live chicken there?Like lobster pick one out of the coop.Col Sanders could not claim that much freshness.
“Yeah, isn’t he CUTE?”
Funny, he doesn’t LOOK like Calvin.
“Yeah, that’s my boy. Chip off the ol’ block!”
David Waisglass and Gordon Coulthart
Linguist about 12 years ago
Not if you drop that tray ! I’ll disown him completely, as an alcohol abuser….
jack fairbanks about 12 years ago
no, my wife’s. (kids are ok when properly sauteed)
corpcasselbury about 12 years ago
Why, do you want him?
Vet Premium Member about 12 years ago
Where did he get a feather??They serve live chicken there?Like lobster pick one out of the coop.Col Sanders could not claim that much freshness.
Simon_Jester about 12 years ago
“Yeah, isn’t he CUTE?”
ButWaitCallNow about 12 years ago
Funny, he doesn’t LOOK like Calvin.
iced tea about 12 years ago
“Yeah, that’s my boy. Chip off the ol’ block!”