Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 11, 2013

  1. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 12 years ago

    Pretty much sums it up.

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    Agent54  about 12 years ago

    He forgot to mention the popular Helix Twist given to the customers.

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  3. Dscn1232
    palos  about 12 years ago

    I hope Wiley identifies the location of this ubiquitous corner at some time. It does seem to be popular.

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  4. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    Sad Hourā€¦.

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  5. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    He would have mentioned God, but Heā€™s been bought out by Bain Capitalā€¦.Do you know how hard it is for an Archangel to find a job these days?ā€¦..And the Cherubimā€¦..some have committed suicideā€¦

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    roctor  about 12 years ago


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    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    wondering why bailout wall street banks are not demonized like unions. do unions nearly bring down the economy? do unions need bailouts?

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  8. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago

    No, Wiley isnā€™t prejudiced against business men. Not at all. Besides, itā€™s just a joke.

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  9. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Hey, come on, he forgot about Tax Payer backed bail-outs.

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    dabugger  about 12 years ago

    Honesty and the ā€˜American Dreamā€™ are still unattainable. The traditionalists remain in control.

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  11. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 12 years ago

    And once again we forget that most of the corporations in this country are privately held, small mom & pop businesses.

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  12. 061
    pawpawbear  about 12 years ago

    We all want to see a more equitable sharing of wealth. A fair share to the owners and investors. Then a fair wage to the laborers. Any union worker worth his pay puts his all in his job. Then a fair wage to the floor sweepers and toilet cleaners. Should these wages be equal? No. But they should be fair a living wage. Should housing prices be controlled so that everyone has adequate shelter? I think so. I think everyone should have the basics of living, plus whatever extra they bring to the table. But, IT SHOULD BE FAIR.

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    joe vignone  about 12 years ago

    HSBC bank was caught laundering drug money and no one was arrested because they were afraid it would unsettle the markets and the financial system. So now we have a corporation that is above the law and an example to all the others that it is OK to commit whatever crime you want. You wonā€™t get prosecuted. Any question that we have become a society ruled by the wealthy, for the wealthy? And bankrupting us to do the work of building the American Empire will destroy our democracy once and for all.

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  14. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  about 12 years ago

    Has anyone thought about the responsible completion who didnā€™t get bailed out to the irresponsible companies that got bailed out?

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    ramonesfan  about 12 years ago

    Et tu, George Bush?

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  16. Lonelemming
    Ernest Lemmingway  about 12 years ago

    The Tea Party is such a patchwork of different ideas itā€™s hard to say what they really stand for. Even calling them a ā€œpartyā€ is something of a misnomer. Theyā€™re more or less united on just a few key ideas according to the NY Times (go look it up on Wikipedia, Iā€™m not repeating it).

    .Why am I suddenly reminded of QueensrĆæcheā€™s song, ā€œSpeakā€ by this strip? Oh yeah, itā€™s the line, ā€œThe rich control the government, the media, the law.ā€ Capā€™n Eddie had it right; we should just scuttle things and start over from scratch.

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  17. Masked
    Rickapolis  about 12 years ago

    And tax laws favoring business. Donā€™t forget that one.

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    jamner  about 12 years ago
    How would citizensā€™ world be different if citizens had billions to spend on congressional lobbyist like corporations do? FYI I said citizens because that delineates between the person which is a human being and the new supreme court ā€˜personā€™ which could appaently be Exxonmobil, at&t, Pepsico or possibly a tax-exempt multimillion $ SUPERPAC. For as of now; citizens may vote in elections "corporate personsā€™ (corporatsons) cannot.
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  19. 03 head in universe
    Vonne Anton  about 12 years ago

    Are those ammo belts across the door?

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  20. Image
    gosfreikempe  about 12 years ago

    Please donā€™t blame Mr. Obama for the policies that are being forced upon him by the Conservative majority in the House of Representatives (who did NOT get the majority of the votes). The so-called bipartisanship of the Republican party is to bully the House (and the President) into implementing their ideas; then they blame the President for following their demands when their ideas donā€™t work.

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    bransom  about 12 years ago

    Right, if not for all the sleazy businessmen that advertise on this website and every other place you see this comic strip, Wiley would be out of business too! What a lame ass hypocrite! Besides, the best way to stay in business these days is to get yourself some Obamabucks! Crony Capitalism is the new way!

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