Agnes by Tony Cochran for February 10, 2013

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  about 12 years ago

    More likely they’ll name it after the researcher, like Dr E. Henry Thripshaw’s Disease.

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  2. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    Huzzah, Trout!

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member about 12 years ago

    If Agnes were to follow Trout’s suggestion, and her question ended up someplace like Yahoo Answers or WikiAnswers….sigh…..people might think she’s asking about “giant pointy feet” or “huge noses” instead of some invisible disease.

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    rshive  about 12 years ago

    Hi. My name is Agnes. I have this disease. It is caused bymosquitoessea slugshyena fur

    Its symptoms includeitchingdeath when the word aardvark is mentionedincurable hiccuping

    If you want to help, please send$1$5$10

    to my websitemy PO boxmy numbered Cayman’s account.


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  5. Hacking dog original
    J Short  about 12 years ago

    Rhinomegaly, with pedeshyperplyasia.

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    jadoo823  about 12 years ago

    …since my marriage went kablooey, if you google “oblivious, gullible idiot,” my picture and bio will come up…

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    rshive  about 12 years ago

    Yeah, there was a St. Agnes. Can’t really remember her story. -————————————————But in the ethnic group that included my Mom’s family, Agnes was a second-tier name for girls. The top tier was Anna, Mary, and Elizabeth. A number of others, of which Agnes was one, ran distant seconds. -——————————————————Granny bears more than a passing resemblance to one of my several Aunt Marys. Except Granny is wealthier.

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  8. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 12 years ago

    It would be Agnes Syndrome. Sounds better. AND! It encompasses sooooo much more than a simple one hit disease. Allowing one to have….Rhinomegaly, with pedeshyperplyasia or just oneTinnitiusspots – any where, any colourfever, or notbreathing – definitelysniffles with or without the runny noseaches- somewhere, sometimes at night and sometimes just before school. And far to many more to mention.

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  9. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 12 years ago

    With much thanks to prior posters. :)

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  about 12 years ago

    “Yes Virginia, people’s lives do have a price.”-Mainly it is a relative price. If it costs more than the average life-time earnings of a person to save one person, you are backing up, effectively taking more than one life per life saved. (On the other hand, a billionaire might be willing to spend more of his own money to save the life of himself or someone else he valued highly enough and a drug addict might not be willing to spend $20 to save another life if it meant not being able to by his drug of choice.)-You could save tens of thousands of lives by lowering the speed limit to 30 mph, but would be taking the lives of hundreds of millions by making them take so many more hours per person per year to drive the same distances. The problem is that you would be backing up — taking more lives than you saved.-The president has mentioned some measures being worth doing if they just saved the lives of one child but that does not take into account the balance if those same actions took the lives of two other children who would otherwise be alive. And that isn’t even considering the worth of personal rights and freedoms.-Again, it is a balancing act and too many factors to take into account sometimes. The highway department used to say any road modification measure which cost less than half a million dollars per life saved was worth doing. That number might change but the idea is sound.

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    joegeethree  about 12 years ago

    Trout was laugh out loud funny today.

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