Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 10, 2013
Mark: So, Jim, do you ever listen to NPR? Jim Andrews: Honestly? Mark: No, no, save that for the show. Jim Andrews: I listen to it every day. Mark: It's always a pleasure to welcome to the show Jim "Honest Man" Andrews! So, Jim, trying times for your GOP pals? Jim Andrews: Well, we've obviously had to ask ourselves some tough questions... such as, is voter suppression alone enough for us to win future elections? Are gerrymandering, roll purges, I.D. laws, registration hurdles, disinformation, early voting cutbacks, unequal resources and caging lists really getting the job done? Clearly not! It's time to get serious and double down with state-by-state election rigging! Mark: So there's been some soul-searching. Jim Andrews: Hell, yeah! We can't just keep doing things the same old way!
pouncingtiger almost 12 years ago
GOP motto: if you can’t win elections normally, cheat there’s no tomorrow.
Alexander the Good Enough almost 12 years ago
Is the Republican Party going to “stop being the stupid party?” Not likely; they have their strategy. Consider: half of all Americans are of below average intelligence, and for the last 30 years the Republicans have been playing that half of our citizenry by either scaring the bejabbers out of them or making them feel right proud of their ignorance. In addition, the GOP has given succor and validation to an unsavory rabble of delusional Bible thumpers, paranoid gun nuts, venomous racists, sexists, authoritarian wingnuts, deeply selfish libertarians and haters and bigots of every stripe. From these fine folks the Thugs have assembled a very significant and motivated minority. Indeed, in too many areas of our country they are a majority. The OTHER result has been that pretty much anyone of good will who is sane and reasonably intelligent finds the Republican Party of today to be toxic, repulsive and very nearly traitorous. It’s a shame. I’ll confess that once upon a time I was a proud “Goldwater Republican” myself. No more. I am very certain that Goldwater himself would no longer sanction what the Republican Party has become.
pbarnrob almost 12 years ago
Ike tried to warn us, careful not to put himself in the crosshairs, that the coup d’etat was already beginning, powered by (most of) the same folks Gen. Smedley Butler outed when they tried to overthrow FDR. 11/22/63 (JFK) was only a small part of it. It’s accelerating, though I’m not sure it’s complete.
Ignorance and woefully incomplete education is certainly not helping. Teach at least your own kids how to think!
diver710 almost 12 years ago
POTUS could get off his butt and lead the country not trying to divide the country with his campaigning. All politicians should be required to pass a budget for the next 2 years before they take another effing vacation.
Lee Justice almost 12 years ago
just try buying votes like the dems….
jazzmoose almost 12 years ago
Most Democrats are concentrated in urban areas. They did that to themselves. Not everything is a grand plot…
dlmettler almost 12 years ago
Want to know what the dems are doing? Listen to what they accuse the republican of doing..
RayThomas101 almost 12 years ago
Why not? The Democrats do. Obama’s fear tactics are identical to the ones Clinton used 25 tears ago. What a damfool Doonesbury is and always has been.
watashi73 almost 12 years ago
Unfortunately demos own the urban machines and urban area by urban area rigging is how its done. It also helps a lot when you can rely upon Mary Poppins, Dick Tracy, Jive Turkey and everyone getting free stuff with other people’s money. What you get for all this is little kids being turned down for white house visits so enough money can be saved so u-no-who can hit a few white ones with Tiger.
Alms4Thorby almost 12 years ago
Can’t get any more honest than that.
ZorkArg almost 12 years ago
What crap! The only ones with stuffed ballot boxes were the dems committed to keeping that idiot Obama in office. Trudeau, you should be ashamed of yourself! Turn that political x-ray machine around 180 degrees and you’ll find the real villains using those tactics.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
GT nailed it! Ha! I only wish it had no basis in reality in today’s strip.
Ollyvah almost 12 years ago
they keep the american people fighting between rethuglican ,( love this term I have just learned from you CLARK KENT ) & democrap while they methodically destroy our way of life & freedom to fuel thier unholy GREED for $ & power. Will it ever end?
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
The GOP has indeed begun state by state election rigging, and they have been very public about doing so.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Looks like a smart phone.
chizzel almost 12 years ago
I’m still glad I don’tknow squat about politics.
smalltownbrown almost 12 years ago
Hear! Hear!
ncalifgirl58 almost 12 years ago
That is so absurd. All Democrats are good? Right. lolololol
Dapperdan61 Premium Member almost 12 years ago
In my state the Rethuglicans tried to gerrymander my congessional district to favor them. It runs 200 hundred miles up to the Canadian border & they still failed. Unfortunately their dirty tricks have worked elsewhere & now we have a divided congress & budget sequester cuts ready to furlough thousands of workers.
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
extreme conservatives love the constitution except when it applies to other people.
fritzoid Premium Member almost 12 years ago
“I recently read where test scores in Math and Science for Asian third graders were falling behind American High School students.”
I read that too. In The Onion. :-)
fritzoid Premium Member almost 12 years ago
The Democrats win by promising what they can’t deliver. The Republicans win by promising what they have no intention of delivering.
“The difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is that the Democrats believe what they say. They’re wrong, but they believe it. The Republicans don’t believe in anything except winning elections.” — Robert Novack
blackash2004-tree Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Only a fool would believe anything Trudeau promotes. He is just another Goebbels clone spouting left-wing propaganda.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
Good job Dycel! You know your hard work won’t make any difference to the righties though, right?
Alexander the Good Enough almost 12 years ago
A gentle suggestion: You may wish to avail yourself, and the rest of us, of the utility of Thank you.
montessoriteacher almost 12 years ago
When voter suppression was tried in the last election, it failed. However, gerrymandering by GOP did produce a GOP majority in congress despite far more Democratic votes than GOP votes. The GOP wants to hang in there, despite the fact that there are fewer and fewer rich white folks around, a constituency they desperately need in order to stay in power.
bloatedcoder almost 12 years ago
I’ve finally realized that Garry Trudeau doesn’t have to be inspired to come up with these strips. All he does is pay attention….
pawpawbear almost 12 years ago
Justice22 almost 12 years ago
If all else fails, leave the election up to the Supeme Court.** The election of President should be determined by popular vote like we demand of any other Democracy.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Better watch out, sarge, you’re about to lose the crazy crown to some new upstart trolls.
Uncle Joe almost 12 years ago
“How do you breath with your head so far….”Through the blowhole, of course.
Carol69 almost 12 years ago
Would you care to share the superior nationality youhappen to embrace ??
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 12 years ago
It’s tough out there for a GOP pimp.
tedunn5453 almost 12 years ago
Be they republican or democrats, neither one is getting the job done that they are being paid to do. Most, if not all, should be stood against the wall at sunrise. If we could get rid of them and their staff, and all of the lobbyists, maybe only honest, intelligent, and responsible people would want to be congress persons and senators….
ronpolimeni almost 12 years ago
@dlmettler – I think you have that backwards.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
Now, I think GT is just messing with us regarding the artisanal stuff. Andrews has 2 or 3 loose hairs over his bald area in panel one, they disappear in panel 2, and reappear in the rest of the strip.It is like his own version of “NINA” (NY Times artist used to draw his daughter name Nina into his sketches and then right the number of times the name appears next to his signature).Here is a Abe Hirschfeld cartoon in which the name Nina appears 9 times, as indicated by the number next to Hirschfeld’s signature.-
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
wasn’t it a gop congress who passed a law to exempt drug compounders from the fda. 10 years later, people are dying from fungal meningitis because of no oversight.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
This is absolutely honest. The GOP ideal is to return to the day of white male property owners as the only voters.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
Plus, the folder on the right hand side is pink in the second panel and yellow in the other panels in which it appears.There is no coffee mug in the second panel but it appears in the fourth and sixth panel.
kaffekup almost 12 years ago
Watch out calimaghazi, you lost focus for a minute there and dropped in the wrong lie. Glad you caught yourself.
DavyG almost 12 years ago
Well, Jim, if YOU have any actual knowledge on the topic, why don’t you enlighten us? I’ve long wondered whether you are privy to facts I don’t have and are too lazy write something about them, or if you are just (figuratively) shooting off your mouth. Here’s your chance to look good.
Newshound41 almost 12 years ago
Why won’t one honest person in the GOP admit that the President’s opponents are using Benghazi to destroy the President and not out of any desire for justice or the truth?
7samauri almost 12 years ago
Your enemies will always, ALWAYS, accuse you of what they are guilty of. Always.
JonathanSimon almost 12 years ago
A good hit, long overdue! I wonder whether this is the typical one-shot or will he stay on it? And, if so, how? Note that it is prospective, what they plan qo do as opposed to what they’ve already done.
I’d really like to see the guy say “Well everybody says we’re cooked, but that’s just because dumb Americans and their media can’t see past the White House; since we rigged our way into the House and all those statehouses in 2010, we were able to lock ourselves in with a little ruthless gerrymandering pretty much forever; and by the way, when those states begin apportioning electoral votes by those same gerrymandered House districts, we’ll be back to 1600 Penn too; so you see, Mike, while we may have to rig the odd race here or there, most of the dirty work’s already done, we’re stuck like a bone in America’s throat, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.” Probably asking too much. Well I hope he doesn’t let it go and I hope others, like Borowitz, have the courage to jump on.