Pickles by Brian Crane for March 02, 2013

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    Llewellenbruce  about 12 years ago

    I bet he had fun trying to zip his pants up.

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    Superfrog  about 12 years ago

    Never with pants but shirts are a different story.

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  3. Clouseau
    el8  about 12 years ago

    But like the rest of us, Earl still puts his pants on one leg at a time.

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    j-birds3  about 12 years ago

    It’s a good thing that having your pants inside out does not reveal other things….

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    EarlP2  about 12 years ago

    Never with jeans — they"re not likely to turn wrong side out. ’But more than once with no-fly sweats!

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    ralphewest  about 12 years ago

    Yes, better than having your fly open and your shirt tail hanging out your fly. I saw this happen to a concert conductor and everytime he faced the audience to announce the next song. everyone felt so sorry for him. Who in invented zippers in pants anyway? Why not just elastic waist pull ups?

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  7. Don knotts
    jimmeh  about 12 years ago

    Stuff in the wash reverts to how it was sewn together…pants, pillowcases, etc. Really!!!

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    michael pokrivnak  about 12 years ago

    Some times I put my underwear on backwards and that make it difficult to pee later in the day.

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  9. Solange
    ewalnut  about 12 years ago

    I don’t remember wearing my pants inside out, but I’ve gone to work and realized I was wearing my pajama bottoms.

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    milania  about 12 years ago

    Every day without Cow-Pie Head is a good day!

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    daveoverpar  about 12 years ago

    Had a co-worker put on 2 different colored loafers. 1 black and 1 dark blue. He put them on in the dark so he wouldn’t wake his wife.

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  12. Neat  33
    Neat '33  about 12 years ago

    YETHSIR ! Like Superfrong says; shirts are a different story altogether !

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  13. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 12 years ago

    I once put my top on the wrong way…

    Can you blame me? I was up early!


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    muzicman.K  about 12 years ago

    I know a guy who but on one running shoe and one steel toed boot with out knowing and went to work.

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  15. U62t
    surveyingsam Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I guess I have that to look forward for.

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    Rickapolis  about 12 years ago

    He did it on purpose so he could hang the horseshoes on the pockets…anyone buying that?

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  17. Kiss fan01
    rugratz2222  about 12 years ago

    Superman always put his red underwear on over the top of his blue pajamas … never could train the guy right so we gave up on him.

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