Is this strip going to continue with Rufus and Joel, and no Wallets? Pleeeese, I’ve had enough of Rufus and Joel. They should be in the occasional Sunday strip and stay there.
I think firebrand1 is commenting on Non Sequitur and recycling an old idea himself. The county poor farms were pretty much scrap bins and I for one don’t want to go back to that system.
axe-grinder almost 12 years ago
She replaced the late Doremy Fasolahti.
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
Just hearing her name makes me want to burst into song.
Durak Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Looks like Holly has some menial, mindless chore needing done, and she needs it done in a spectacularly silly, goofy way.
marvee almost 12 years ago
Is this strip going to continue with Rufus and Joel, and no Wallets? Pleeeese, I’ve had enough of Rufus and Joel. They should be in the occasional Sunday strip and stay there.
marvee almost 12 years ago
I think firebrand1 is commenting on Non Sequitur and recycling an old idea himself. The county poor farms were pretty much scrap bins and I for one don’t want to go back to that system.
MJ Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Ummm….did a new story just start today? We may be seeing these two for another month or so.
ransomdstone almost 12 years ago
If only it were so!
ronpolimeni almost 12 years ago
@ TrapperJohn & Nabuquduriuzhur – There was a NASCAR driver some years back named “Dick Trickle”.
ronpolimeni almost 12 years ago
@ axe_grinder – good one.