Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for March 19, 2013

  1. Missing large
    Mineola  almost 12 years ago

    Sounds like a Yogi-ism!

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  2. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  almost 12 years ago

    well played, well-drawn….

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  3. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  almost 12 years ago

    It’s ok Rufus, you’re already married to Joel. Might as well be!

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    Kiba65  almost 12 years ago

    What do you call 20 Lawyers sky diving? Skeet!!

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  5. E8d83c5b 1d13 4253 98c7 4e6fd77132cd
    ajr58  almost 12 years ago

    How do you tell when a lawyer is lying? Lips are moving.

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  6. E8d83c5b 1d13 4253 98c7 4e6fd77132cd
    ajr58  almost 12 years ago

    What’s wrong when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand? Not enough sand.

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  7. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Wonderful! Joel is a true philosopher on life.

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  8. Comic
    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Note to Susan about yesterday…. No, Susan…. I was being serious… I find Joel and Rufus to be my very favorite aspects of GA. I also was not absent…. I merely was stating that I liked that they were still being featured. I had feared with their last story arc seeming to have reached its conclusion, that they would disappear for a while. My joy at their continuing to be featured is real.

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  9. Scan 36
    Bandera_Ken  almost 12 years ago

    Rufus and Joel are my least favorite, even less than Slim’s mother and cousin whats his name.

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  10. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 12 years ago

    Poor little donkey.

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  11. Donald duck2
    gmu328  almost 12 years ago

    So the whole running story was done (will, $100,000, marrying the donkey etc) was to set up this punchline … I love a good shaggy dog tale, but this was a bit too much

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    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Poor Becky. Jilted at the altar, now back to manual labor.

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  13. Dgp 61
    DavidGBA  almost 12 years ago

    No, he’s saying 1% might be OK but the rest ruin their rep. It seems like the 1% might have a good rep, but how can you find trustworthy sources? I had a lawyer gow AWOL on me when I was fussing over my Child Support — we wondered if there was a transfer of affections or something! And he was great up to that point! Well, why keep a lawyer you can affront who will not tell you so?

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  14. Sylvester
    ronpolimeni  almost 12 years ago

    Slims Mom and cousin (cousin especially) are my least favorite characters. Slim and Clovia would be OK if Jim would lighten up on Slim a bit. Rufus and Joel are OK in small doses, a steady diet is a bit much. This last story line however, struck a low point the likes of which I never thought GA would sink to.

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  15. Dscn0420 1
    OldManMountain  almost 12 years ago

    The next time your doctor leaves forceps in your belly, hire your joke writer to sue him.

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