Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for March 04, 2013

  1. Vote 4 nobody button
    Mr Nobody  about 12 years ago

    How is it Rose and Jimbo have only one kid??

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  2. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  about 12 years ago

    That’s like asking why Lucy and Ricky had one kid while sleeping in separate beds..\\//_

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    littleannoyingdog  about 12 years ago

    He had a vasectomy?

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    alondra  about 12 years ago

    Birth control? Surely not from a lack of lovemaking!

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    Potrzebie  about 12 years ago

    Walking thorugh woods on winter’s day?

    and many kisses to go before I sleep.

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    Puddleglum2  about 12 years ago

    Is it time to put on the ‘breaks’?

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    dkram: You never heard of commuting?

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    rekam  about 12 years ago

    Just because you don’t like Peekaboo doesn’t mean that a good lot of us don’t like her. You don’t like it, don’t read it.

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  9. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  about 12 years ago

    @water_moon from yesterday:I feel for you having to bathe your cat so often, but thankfully she was tiny. When we had rugs, a lady would come over yearly and rub boric acid into our carpets. This kills the flees by dehydration. It never bothered the cats. It might be worth a try.

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  10. Kiss fan01
    rugratz2222  about 12 years ago

    @Ray c … know any natural remedies to keep male neutored cats from spraying outside of the litter box? Course some suggestions think it might be a bladder infection …

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    Rug Ratz: I thought the castration was to prevent sign-posting. A vet can check out bladder infection quite easily and relatively cheaply.

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    jaynov  about 12 years ago

    they`re not good , they!re just drawn that way

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    Bwingblue1  about 3 years ago

    If I had a dollar for every time that question is asked…..

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