Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for March 16, 2013

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    ReneTray  almost 12 years ago

    You said it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  2. Animal the muppets
    TooOldToBeCool  almost 12 years ago

    And Boy Meets World and Family Matters.We need another Jack Benny.

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    whitecarabao  almost 12 years ago

    Yes, Fritzi, I agree.Give me Jack Benny and Red Skelton!

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    EstrelitaH  almost 12 years ago

    Seems to me that Fritzi would more likely be remembering Father Knows Best, Leave It to Beaver, Andy Griffith, A Date with Judy, My Little Margie, Our Miss Brooks, The Anne Suthern Show, The Goldbergs, Life of Riley, Sgt. Preston, Dick Van Dyke Show, Danny Thomas, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, The Cisco Kid, Stagecoach and Bonanza, to name a few.

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    batterd_citizen  almost 12 years ago

    the networks got cheap
and lost me.

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    Gator007  almost 12 years ago

    And what’s next?

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    Tog  almost 12 years ago

    We got some of those here. They can’t have wiped all the classic tv programmes can they? The BBC and ITV were both very shortsighted and did wipe some wonderful recordings but every now and then something that was thought to have been lost gets rediscovered in someone’s attic or garage.

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    nivelle.famille  almost 12 years ago

    Crazy world !!
..But NANCY is always here !!!!

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    wittichs Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Creativity was lost years ago. However, if people would not watch these dumb shows then maybe the various producers would get the message. But hey many of the good shows live on in DVD format.

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    g.iangoodson  almost 12 years ago

    You are all missing the point. I don’t recognise those titles here in the UK, but I do recognise the sentiment. Fritzi is becoming the loss of ethics and morality. The media types know that we become what we watch.It’s bread and circuses for the masses. The bread is adulterated and the circuses are degraded.

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    yeahbutt  almost 12 years ago

    I know, Fritzi 
 I know 

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    Don Fleming  almost 12 years ago

    Sadly, programs on TV just seem to get worse every year. Fortunately, there are other things that get better every year, like Aunt Fritzi! She gets hotter every year.

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    cdrgator  almost 12 years ago

    Aunt Fritz, there is a serious lack of writing ability today and people do not read. To be creative you have to be educated.

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    Richard Amidei  almost 12 years ago

    Reality t.v. is cheaper than hiring writers, actors etc. This is the way of this country nowadays.

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    23035387  almost 12 years ago

    she has a point a big point

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    bergesinoz  almost 12 years ago

    One thing is the same
.Fritzi remains smokin’ HOT!!

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    katina.cooper  almost 12 years ago

    What happened is that after the 70’s, there weren’t any new ideas.

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    JayBluE  almost 12 years ago

    @ iangoodson, spot on! I recognize the connections:

    1. “Kardashians”- “Family Ties”(one family is dysfunctional in many ways, one family is united, even with all the diffs.)2. “Honey Boo Boo”- “Eight is Enough”(former is the definition of exploitation, indulgence, etc. and the latter focused on keeping the children/growing adults well grounded and ‘protected’.)3. “Teen Mom”- “Facts of Life”(Teen Mom shows teen girls indulging in early ‘child care’/child bearing, and the limiting of potential in life, Facts of Life had teen girls who blossomed into adults who seemed, for the most part, well adjusted, and set to fulfill ambitions and life life and not become teen parents who sold themselves short

    Not to mention that since Fritzi is a little updated, working with today’s technology and things, this could relate to those brought up on 80s shows like Family Ties and the like which can be considered the last of the modern ‘wholesome type shows’ so this can also be an update on the lament of the good old days which now includes the 70s and some 80s along with the 50s and 60s,where this updated Fritzi (and in relation, ‘Children of the 60s and 70s’) can lament the current degredation of the new milineum, and as was mentioned by iangoodson, the moral decay relative to the programming now portrayed and seemingly allowed/reflected in today’s culture.

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  19. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  almost 12 years ago

    This is the reason I don’t have cable or an antenna. Netflix gets me real TV programs.

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  20. Abadaba 2277951
    ABADABA  almost 12 years ago

    simple minds

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    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I’m just happy to see Fritzi back – and alone!

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    Ken in Ohio  almost 12 years ago

    Boy, do I agree with you there! It is so disappointing to watch an episode of Andy Griffith, and find my favorite scene has been butchered, with the best lines of dialog missing.

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    philwissbeck  almost 12 years ago

    Actually the latter may have been light weight but were good stories compared to the former.

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    bigsnooze  almost 12 years ago

    Now all they show is what I call Crap T.V.

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    rini1946  almost 12 years ago

    don’t forget the 20 judge shows on a day the talk shows that spout trash. Thats why I got net flix and watch this and me tv I can watch the oldies like hitchcock and others

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  26. Mister mean 3
    Mister Mean  almost 12 years ago

    Time to turn the tv O F F! Get up and turn the knob OFF!

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    atomicdog  almost 12 years ago

    I guess that Fritzi has forgotten how controversial “The Facts of Life” was, back in the day.

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    jppjr  almost 12 years ago

    Let’s not forget Burns and Allen; I Married Joan

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  29. Skylark
    Skylark  almost 12 years ago

I for one, don’t watch this new trash they call programming. Not to be a snob, but it just stinks! When they resort to using sub titles and the’re supposed to be speaking in English to begin with. they lost me! Boo on Boo-boo!

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    boldyuma  almost 12 years ago

    TVLand on cable TV and on computer..The last refuge for a child of the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Andy,Opie, Barney, Aunt Bea,Floyd,Gomer, and Gooberwill live forever in a friendly little town called Mayberry.

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    ObiJoan  almost 12 years ago

    XXI Century step in !

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    Tog  almost 12 years ago

    Who remembers Tugboat Annie? Hiram Holliday? The Third Man with Michael Rennie? Rin Tin Tin? Fury, Whirlybirds?, astronut? All shown in te Uk and I’d happily watch them all again.

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    Zaristerex  almost 12 years ago

    I partly agree, but there are some very good sitcoms in modern times, like Grounded for Life and The Middle. Maybe It’s Me from 2001 was laugh-out-loud hilarious!

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    josie53green  almost 12 years ago

    Me to.

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    Vince M  almost 12 years ago

    Kind of a lateral move, isn’t it?

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    John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    And /we/ had “M*A*S*H”, “The Mary Tyler Moore Show”, “All in the Family”, “The Dick van Dyke Show”, “Dobie Gillis”, and “The Honeymooners”. Sorry, Fritzi old girl, but I didn’t think much of your favorites even at the time. Of course, that doesn’t mean that the stuff today isn’t far worse. As someone remarked (I think it was Chesterton’s Father Brown), it isn’t possible to keep to one level of evil; if you don’t get better, you get worse.

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  37. Chrysanthemum
    comixlover347  almost 12 years ago

    honey Boo Boo?

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