Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 01, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling BAD FETUS Bad Fetus: You lookin' at me? I don't see anyone else in this womb. in "FETAL FIREPOWER" - or - "BEARING ARMS with BARELY ARMS" Bad Fetus knows his rights as an American, and shows up at a GunMart with his sonographic instrument, demanding justice! Bad Fetus: I want an uzi carbine rifle, and as a PERSON I have a second amendment right to one! Man: I'm sorry, Bad Fetus. I agree you're a PERSON...but I can't sell you one because you have a felony conviction! Bad Fetus: Pshh! Is this America or Russia?! Now I have to go all the way to the GUN SHOW across the street! Bad Fetus: Uzi carbine to go! Don't bother wrapping it! Man: Right away. Wait, I can't sell to you because you're not 18 years old. Bad Fetus: Not this again! Okay, there's only one way to get your proper rights -- lawyer up!! LATER - Bad Fetus: There! Now I'm C.E.O. of Bad Fetus, Inc.! And my corporation is a PERSON with second amendment rights! Man: Here's your uzi! Careful... BAM! BAM BAM!! BAM BAM BAM Man: You shot your TWIN!! Bad Fetus: I thought he was a womb invader! He snuck up on me brandishing his umbilical cord! NEXT Bad Fetus excapes the death penalty...AGAIN! Bad Fetus: Go ahead, abort me! I dare ya!
el8 about 12 years ago
A womb with a spew.
kapock about 12 years ago
For the Uzi Carbine, see:
And a good thing too, since the strip completely depends on getting that detail right.
kapock about 12 years ago
This is exactly why Wayne LaPierre has called for armed volunteer guards in delivery rooms.
rnmontgomery about 12 years ago
uhmmm, I hate to ask, but how did the bad fetus get the gun – womb injection??
MaxNuclear about 12 years ago
And that’s why we don’t have kids at our house.
androgenoide about 12 years ago
If corporations were really “persons” wouldn’t they have to be at least 18 years old to buy (and sell) tobacco products?
Spooky D Cat about 12 years ago
Today’s Dancing Bug is so ironic on so many levels. Very cleverly done! Thanks, Ruben.
kapock about 12 years ago
Note that of those twins, the armed maniac is the one who will survive to reproduce. There’s your human race for you, since Cain slew Abel.
jpozenel about 12 years ago
What an exaggeration! How often does that really happen?
The system works…just a few flaws to work out.