Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for January 17, 2010
Irving (out of frame): I'm putting the laundry away so you can relax, Cathy! Cathy: Don't dump all the loose, clean socks in the drawer, honey! Irving: Why not? Cathy: That's not our sock drawer system! Irving: That's what we always do! Cathy: That's what we always do when we don't have time to match the socks, fold them neatly, and line them up in the same direction by color and type! THAT is our system! Irving: But since we've never once had time to do THAT system, let's admit that dumping is our NEW system! Cathy: Random dumping is GIVING UP! It is NOT our new system! Irving: Why not?? Dumping's way more user- friendly! Cathy: In electronics, you're desperate for the system upgrade. In drawers, you're first in line for the system downgrade. Irving: While we're at it, let's lose those ridiculous silverware dividers in the kitchen!
funnyfan928 about 15 years ago
Irving better watch it or Cathy will give him a few more socks….to his thick head!
alondra about 15 years ago
I like organization, it’s neater and way easier to find what you need.
Allison Nunn Premium Member about 15 years ago
My sock drawer is neatly organized by color and style (winter, summer etc.) all matched, folded, and lined up :) (honestly it is; I’m a sock nut. Forget about shoes, it’s socks for me!)
gdshiell about 15 years ago
A much better system is to have all socks the same, so any two make a pair
kobidobi about 15 years ago
Of course, if Irving gives up and Cathy takes charge of the socks, they will all be dumped in the drawer, as usual.
lightenup Premium Member about 15 years ago
Oh, put a sock in it, Irving!
RadioTom about 15 years ago
I’m with Irving, here! The secret is to have all socks the same, so ANY two socks match!
mrslukeskywalker about 15 years ago
Let’s all fall over! Irving actually tried to do some work. Half @$$ed, but with purpose.
On second thought, he’s setting himself up to be asked to never help out again.
lorelei6361 about 15 years ago
I have a comprimise, we pair up the socks, then dump them. Lining up by type and color? No way!
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
When I do laundry, I pair up the socks. How or if they get arranged after that depends on the wearer.
SnowBunny12 almost 9 years ago
It really doesn’t take that long to fold socks. Think of all the time you’ll save in the morning by not having to find socks that match.