Wrong person to ask, Grandpa……Oliver: I just kill a bunch of royals until I’m tired enough to sleep. Especially, Irish royals.…(I remember Oliver’s St. Patrick’s Day “greetings” a few years ago. No hitting… :-) )
And my brain immediately starts playing Monty Python’s Oliver Cromwell song. I like my brain. Mostly. It’s also been playing Midnight At The Oasis recently, thus the ‘mostly’.
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
Wrong person to ask, Grandpa……Oliver: I just kill a bunch of royals until I’m tired enough to sleep. Especially, Irish royals.…(I remember Oliver’s St. Patrick’s Day “greetings” a few years ago. No hitting… :-) )
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Perhaps, that might be the wrong person to ask, George.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
" I just count Kings’ heads."
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
cromwell loves killing the irish, especially the irish catholics.
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Cromwell for Pope.
lanisongbird almost 12 years ago
Cromwell can’t sleep—he’s too busy burning in Hell.
Cloudster almost 12 years ago
And my brain immediately starts playing Monty Python’s Oliver Cromwell song. I like my brain. Mostly. It’s also been playing Midnight At The Oasis recently, thus the ‘mostly’.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
The scariest answer Oliver could give:
“Quite well, thank you.”