Luann Againn by Greg Evans for March 29, 2016

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    Willywise52 Premium Member almost 9 years ago

    Condo salesmen are horrible.

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    forbearly  almost 9 years ago

    My husband and I sat through a couple of these years, but it was for weekend trips, not mixing bowls. And yes, the salesmen are horrible. I told him after the second one, I don’t care WHAT they are giving away, I am not going to do this again.

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    shamino  almost 9 years ago

    I remember going to a time-share pitch years ago in the late 70’s. The free gift was a “pocket computer” which sounded absolutely incredible at the time..What we got was a Nixdorf LK3000 ( ). This is not a computer. It’s not even at the level of a calculator because it can’t do anything without a cartridge installed. It came with a “summer olympics” cartridge, so you could look up information about the 1976 summer games and read it on a 16 character LED display. And that is it. Without any other cartridges (and I never ever saw any sold in the US) it couldn’t do anything else..Today, these are selling on eBay for about $15, but I think its only value is as a museum piece. It was completely worthless even when it was brand new. Which is why a time-share salescritter was giving them away. He probably picked up a truckload of them for $5 at a junkyard.

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    ChrisV  almost 9 years ago

    Yeah, they look just like Blondie and Dagwood, in that Lu’s blonde and Brad has a dumb haircut.

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