Sheesh, some people can be such wet blankets! ;)
It wasn’t much fun going to the pool with friends like that. Jewelry, make-up, hair just so? I’ve always loved diving right in.
That was probably Brad.
I liked getting wet.
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
Troglodyte over 6 years ago
Sheesh, some people can be such wet blankets! ;)
Grutzi over 6 years ago
It wasn’t much fun going to the pool with friends like that. Jewelry, make-up, hair just so? I’ve always loved diving right in.
BluNova over 6 years ago
That was probably Brad.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 6 years ago
I liked getting wet.
frequency270 over 6 years ago