Ow! That used to happen to me when I was in school Never a pleasant experience.
EEEEEEYOWCH!! At least she didn’t get that little section of skin between her thumb and forefinger like I did once!
Been there, done that. I think anyone who’s ever owned a Trapper Keeper has.
Poor Luann. But at least Aaron noticed her.
Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Greg Evans
May 24, 2016
Laynegg about 9 years ago
Ow! That used to happen to me when I was in school Never a pleasant experience.
bookworm0812 about 9 years ago
EEEEEEYOWCH!! At least she didn’t get that little section of skin between her thumb and forefinger like I did once!
ChrisV about 9 years ago
Been there, done that. I think anyone who’s ever owned a Trapper Keeper has.
Faith :) about 9 years ago
Poor Luann. But at least Aaron noticed her.