They are still standing there so I think their odds are good that he will miss them all. That what they are thinking.Personally I think he needs one of those “assault” cross bows with the large capacity arrow magazine.
I remember some years back a judge got hit by one of those.In golf you yell “FOUR” for an errant hit.What do you yell tossing the javelin for an errant toss?I vote for “RUUUUNNNNN!”Ducking would make a smaller target but still a target.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Win, Win.. Hit the target or thin the herd….
jack fairbanks almost 12 years ago
shame about the evens
JayBluE almost 12 years ago
From the point of view of the targets, William Tell’s “Fells”: What’s hard enough for one is even worse for the rest of ’em, too….
rshive almost 12 years ago
Increasing the odds of what?
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
The things a guy has to DO to compensate for a hangover…
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
They are still standing there so I think their odds are good that he will miss them all. That what they are thinking.Personally I think he needs one of those “assault” cross bows with the large capacity arrow magazine.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I remember some years back a judge got hit by one of those.In golf you yell “FOUR” for an errant hit.What do you yell tossing the javelin for an errant toss?I vote for “RUUUUNNNNN!”Ducking would make a smaller target but still a target.
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh and that stupid Obamacare wont cover it. (ha)
PoorPig almost 12 years ago
He is increasing his odds, and decreasing theirs.