Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 06, 2013

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    Varnes  almost 12 years ago

    masterskrain, I used to snort Nestleā€™s through a straw, from little lines on a mirrorā€¦But I do like my chocolate milk. Because I donā€™t eat cheese, I can drink whole milk, (4%), and can use real butter on my baked potato, so I doā€¦.but when it comes to chocolate milk, the less butter fat the better..

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    sonorhC  almost 12 years ago

    Yeah, but itā€™s really hard to drink calves.

    Seriously, though, it depends what you mean by ā€œmeantā€. Most humans are lactose-tolerant only when babies, but some (Europeans and some Africans) have evolved to retain lactose tolerance through adulthood. So, yes, for those people, we are ā€œmeantā€ to drink cowā€™s milk, in the same sense that weā€™re ā€œmeantā€ to do anything.

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    Defective  almost 12 years ago

    Itā€™s perfectly obvious what Mr Taco meant, and the feigned ignorance is laughable. People do what they wanna do no matter what you tell them. And if you tell them itā€™s really bad for them, they want it more.

    So here you go. Arsenic is REALLY bad for you, but it tastes great. You know what you need to do now.

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    JR6019  almost 12 years ago

    Do they even make Nestles Quick in the powder form anymore? Also, anyone remember PDQ? Not powdered chocolate, but little round bits of chocolate dissolved into mild or eaten on top of ice cream, giving it a lightly crunchy texture. Childhood delight!

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    Hawthorne  almost 12 years ago

    Straight milk, yes. Fermented milk ā€“ yoghurt, kefir, cheese ā€¦ all those things are very good food for those people whose ancestors have been using it over the millenia.

    Which food works best for us is often tied to our ancestry. Different parts of the world produce different kinds of food, and we have lots of intolerances to foods our ancestors didnā€™t use. Because a particular group has intolerances to a particular kind of food doesnā€™t make that food bad for all.

    We get very little good nutritional information in this country. Our nutritional information comes straight from the marketers, who are clearly biased. The worst of their current shenanigans is this huge push to replace all animal protein with some kind of soy bean product. Raw soybeans (which is what most US soy products are made from) are not good food for man nor beast. Fermented soy is fine, and in those countries where soy is a traditional part of the diet, raw soy is never used.

    Milk is far from the worst food stuff people are eating.

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    Hawthorne  almost 12 years ago

    lol! They certainly are :-)

    As nearly as I can tell, it boils down to this. The nutritional guidelines we are urged to use are not generated by any experts on human nutrition, they are generated by the various food lobbies.

    The grain lobby is the biggest, has been forever. So we are heavily pressured to eat grain. In recent years, the produce lobby has begun to catch up with grain; we are now exhorted to eat eight ā€“ or is it twelve? ā€“ ā€˜portionsā€™ of produce per day. ā‚£ruit, dairy and meat lobbies are lagging well behind. We also have the AR activists pushing very hard for a vegan lifestyle, which means no animals or animal based products whatever; they relentlessly push the values of grain and produce while lobbying for draconian regulation of all livestock operations.

    We need to tune ALL that out, and concentrate on eating whole food that works for us. In reality, the most wasteful, expensive and unhealthy food is produced by the food refiners, who also have a food lobby which has even less to do with health or nutrition than the government guidelines. We are all different, and the diet that works for us is the diet we need to eat.

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    Hawthorne  almost 12 years ago

    Lots of special interests and snake oil in human nutrition. You hit the nail on the head.

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    LOWRIDER84  almost 12 years ago

    Heck, I can resist ANYTHING!!Except temptation.

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    JeffDM  almost 8 years ago

    Iā€™m surprised BIGPUMA didnā€™t chime in on this one.

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