Monty by Jim Meddick for April 03, 2013

  1. The last laugh avatar
    _vecihi_  almost 12 years ago

    So the uninhibited adventurer, the adrenaline-addict, free-spirited son of the wind buys his stuff in bulk like the rest of us.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    “Stupid in a can.”

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    NightGaunt from yesterday…Of course I’m not afraid to say “cojones.”

    But I do think it’s funnier to type “c*j***s” under the pretense that I’m too ladylike to say it…(just in case there’s still somebody who buys that.)But now… sigh… you blew my cover…..LOL

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  4. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    But he already has “wings”..And, apparently, a DEVO-style camera helmet.

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  5. Scrat
    hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    bleep Now I have to look up base jumping. Sigh.

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  6. Scrat
    hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I looked it up and must say stupidity knows no bounds. What these adrenalin seeking idiots need is to move a cantankerous bull from one field to another. Only our generation uses death defying stunts to get their adrenaline rush. I have a woodpile that needs splitting if they have too much energy.

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  7. Lizard2
    Kroykali  almost 12 years ago

    I’d say, let the store staff pick up the boxes. They’re the ones who always place them where you can’t help but knock them over anyway.I once saw a mother scold her young son for knocking one of these displays over. I told her it wasn’t his fault, it was the store’s fault for placing it there.

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  8. 2011 04 12 smoking but not so hot
    Commentator  almost 12 years ago

    I want to see Monty jump!This should be even better than his parkour exploits.

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  9. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  almost 12 years ago

    play stupid at home, where no one cares, if I could care!

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  10. Missing large
    edgeways  almost 12 years ago

    I see we have essentially returned to Robotman (which is fine)

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  11. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    Monty is trying out for the title of Archetypical Dork, or maybe Superklutz. E.B. is just along to call the ambulance….

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  12. Shark vs swimmer stencil copy
    SwimsWithSharks  almost 12 years ago

    2nd time this year Monty has looked hot enough to give me a man-crush. First time was when he had the toolbelt on and was fixing stuff at his house. But this time, dang what a bod.

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  13. 005
    tahoeh2o  almost 12 years ago

    He already has wings so he wont need a Red Bull…

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  14. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Thought for a minute he was a reject from Devo.

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  15. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  almost 12 years ago

    he better pick up a roll of Charmin cause he’s gonna…well you know.

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  16. Image
    AlexPK85  almost 12 years ago

    This is why the costume designer in The Incredibles strongly suggested not to wear capes. Monty must have missed that movie.

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  17. Surkatt
    EVillin  almost 12 years ago

    Are there any publicly available archives of the Monty & Robotman strips? I have not seen any of those strips but would love to read them all from the very beginning.A PM with any possible links as well as replies here would be most welcome.

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  18. Missing large
    racerxyz  almost 12 years ago

    Reminds me of a suit Wile E. Coyote wore once……..

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