Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 01, 2013

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    SnuffyG  almost 12 years ago

    @ Bruno: It meant that when I was growing up, also X’s for kisses and O’s for hugs.

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    Pipe Tobacco Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I think this is especially true and funny. Treesareus, while I would agree with you that the idea of a Plugger texting is absurd…. the comic itself does not suggest the Plugger is actually texting. Only that the Plugger has finally gotten a cheap, pay-as-you-go phone…. and even the cheapest ones now will let you get and receive texts (even if the texter has to type in using the number pad). The idea is that the Plugger WILL GET texts from others (and most likely never reply), and the sender is calling to check to see if they saw the text and if so, if they read it. This is a very true comic today in so many ways. I, myself was exactly like this Plugger until about two months ago when I was dragged kicking and fussing all the way into getting a smart phone by my wife. Now that texting is easy, I will send one every ONCE in a while. My Plugger sister still has her pay-as-you-go phone and gets calls from all her grandkids about getting their texts.

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    jwbriggs  almost 12 years ago

    I do HATE cell phones. That’s right! Old school plugger here!

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