Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for March 17, 2013
Marigold: Playing "Pastel Unicorns?" Phoebe: Yeah... Marigold: Then why so glum? Phoebe: My "Boysenberry Swirl" is out of date now. On the show she got wings! So now I have to decide if I wanna get a new toy of her, or what. Also there's a rumor online that next season, Pink Tafetta might grow a second head, so I might nead another one of her too. Capitalism is weird. Marigold: Indeed. Those things seldom happen to real unicorns.
Magnolia42 almost 12 years ago
Indeed, indeed! Real unicorns!
Herb Thiel Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I like how she says, “seldom.”
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Regret seldom happens to Unicons…
Neo Stryder almost 12 years ago
Seldom?, that sounds as the goats… I mean, two-ni-corns in Yin Yang Yoh.
bopard almost 12 years ago
There is a Gobelin tapestry where the unicorn has 3 heads. Has a salmon background. Angor Thom has a 5 headed. + head more common with the hippocampus sea horse than unicorn.
bopard almost 12 years ago
PHE needs to actually be a capitalist. If she were working for her $, she’d know exactly how much labor she is willing to swap for updating her set..?Parents can’t be handing her $20 whenever she asks? There’s no way a kid can afford the phone she’s holding.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Agreed Phoebe.
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
Its called planned obsolescence. The show exists to sell merchandise. Characters change in order to create new marketing opportunities. Real unicorns have nothing they want to sell and so can remain timeless and constant.Remember Phoebe without capitalism their would be no wealth. Capitalism, the worst economic system, except for everything else that has been tried, which have proven to be even worse.
Q4horse almost 12 years ago
I have never seen the show, just the ads pushing the merchandise.
kaykeyser almost 12 years ago
Seldom? but that means they DO happen? Also great cometary on Twilight Sparkle and what I hope happens to Pinkie Pie.
overzen almost 12 years ago
Hey, Boysenberry getting wings was epic!
AlexLion almost 12 years ago
This is soooooo transparent :) Way to go, Dana, more jokes about pastel unicorns!
acriaos almost 12 years ago
This comic makes Heavenly Nostrils the 120th webcomic with a reference to My Little Pony. If you want to find out about the other 119 webcomics, (for example Sinfest, Sluggy Freelance, PVP and many more) check out the compilation here:
vash_ts almost 12 years ago
a second head? would be possible for certain Pink Pastel Pony…
CrossDoggo™ ✔️ almost 5 years ago
Smart marketing
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Capitalism sucks.