hah-hah.“itisme” said it better than anybody else here: “You know that is what’s going to happen. Scancarelli is a master at telling a punch line long before it’s due.”
Is the expression monkey suit used now days? My dad (who would be almost 93 now, gosh I miss him) called a tux a monkey suit when I got married 30 years ago. I had never heard that term until then, and I bet a real life Slim wouldn’t have, either.
Jim sure made a monkey out of Slim. I haven’t heard monkey suit for many years. I doubt that most people under 40 would understand it. Slim’s in his 60s, but he may not have made the association. Instead of griping, let’s laugh and enjoy the humour.
daedalusomega almost 12 years ago
hah-hah.“itisme” said it better than anybody else here: “You know that is what’s going to happen. Scancarelli is a master at telling a punch line long before it’s due.”
daedalusomega almost 12 years ago
now that I read this strip, I feel like checking also alley oop, because, why read only one bad strip?
flowerladytoo almost 12 years ago
Is the expression monkey suit used now days? My dad (who would be almost 93 now, gosh I miss him) called a tux a monkey suit when I got married 30 years ago. I had never heard that term until then, and I bet a real life Slim wouldn’t have, either.
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
Top head and tail(s).
edsphoto almost 12 years ago
If’n yaw-al notice, he is wearin a a Tux!
elgancho38 almost 12 years ago
Jim sure made a monkey out of Slim. I haven’t heard monkey suit for many years. I doubt that most people under 40 would understand it. Slim’s in his 60s, but he may not have made the association. Instead of griping, let’s laugh and enjoy the humour.
ewalnut almost 12 years ago
I can’t blame Slim for this one. He was actually very agreeable to wear something like that when he thought it was what Walt asked him to do.
Raymond Powell almost 12 years ago
And to think, Slim works on cars!
retropop almost 12 years ago
oh, give me a break! Tribune cancels BRENDA STARR and ANNIE and this strip continues with this cornball stuff?
436rge almost 12 years ago
I knew this would happen! Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!