Rob Rogers for March 22, 2013

  1. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 11 years ago

    Y’know, I’ve seen a shift in views of Bush, even on this list, that apparently think he was merely a pawn in the hands of Cheney. Perhaps it is his now-revealed artistic side.I’m not willing to cut him that much slack. He emphasized that he was “the Decider;” if he relied on aging, misinformed neocons, that, too, was his decision.

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  2. Queru 2
    lisapaloma13  over 11 years ago

    I thought I heard a mosquito whining…

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  3. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    If Mr. Bush had not gone to war with Iraq, our national debt would be 1/3 of what it is currently; 4,000 Americans would be alive and tens of thousands would not be missing limbs, hearing, eyesight, or suffering from various mental conditions. Maybe their children would have had more parental influence and love in their lives.^. Several veterans and intelligence personnel have written about how close they were to catching Bin Laden in 2004 before resources were pulled to Iraq. Perhaps the war and costs of war would have been over before Obama was elected and a Republican party that had won really won a war and captured the man who plotted 9/11 could have been standing beside the man he wanted to follow him into the presidency and you wouldn’t have had to endure the ‘stench’ of the Dems^ Then there’s the humans many Americans seem to not care about. The over two hundred thousand citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan, & Pakistan killed in the conflict between coalition and ‘enemy’ forces. Our enemies would not have learned how to destroy M1 Abrams tanks. We wouldn’t have lost all of the support, goodwill, and credibility we had right after 9/11.^Perhaps Mr. Obama would not be taxing so much, if Mr. Bush’s administration had invested the American people into the war the way we were in WW1, WW2, and Korea. Higher gas and food taxes to help pay for wars which went unbudgeted every year until Obama took office. Cheney told us deficits didn’t matter.^Maybe…just maybe… if republicans AND democrats had been more suspicious of the banking industries high risk financial products and more thoughtful about our debt, maybe…just maybe… Bush could have left office with a surplus instead of leaving a nation in the worst financial situation since the depression.^The fresh air to which you refer never existed, and it’s smell lingers to this day. Pelosi and Reid are as bad as Boehner and McConnall. None of them are doing all they can to clear the air.Respectfully,C.

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  4. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 11 years ago

    Great cartoon and a great comment “darth Cheney”!

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  5. Masked
    Rickapolis  over 11 years ago

    No, no, no. It’s OBAMA’S fault. The black guy did it all. Not GOP.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    “ESAD, Rickapolis.”

    Another meaningful contribution to discussion. How DO you do it?

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  over 11 years ago

    “Will you people EVER get tired of picking on poor President Bush? We were doing a lot better financially when he was in office!”

    If I didn’t know better, I would think you were being sarcastic.

    To answer the first question, personally, yes, I am tired of picking on him. Too bad he deserves everything he gets and more.

    To answer the next statement, please let me remind you that we were spending $2 billion per week for our wars, at the same time enjoying tax breaks out the wazoo. No one ever before has lowered taxes while fighting a war, and there’s a darned good reason why. As you are quick to point out with our current administration, you can’t keep spending more than you make. When you intentionally reduce your income while spending like a drunken sailor, there will be negative consequences.

    History is history. The fact he is no longer in the White House does not make him any less responsible for the damage his administration did, nor does it lessen the damage.

    Remember that the economy bottomed out in September, 2008, four months before Obama took the oath of office. As we were spending about a trillion dollars (that we know of) to bail out the investment banks that helped to put us there, and as we were hemorrhaging a quarter million jobs per month, Dubya did……nothing. He “didn’t want to interfere with” the next president’s plan, so for four months we watched helplessly as the country continued its economic tailspin.

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  8. Image
    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    Did you forget when Bear-Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual collapsed? Did you for get when the subprime mortgage crisis hit this country like a freight train?Did you forget when GM, Chrysler, and yes, even Ford asked for government help? Did you forget when the original TARP was passed?

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  9. Image
    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    Yes, Saddam is dead. So are:4,409 Americans, 31,928 wounded1,033,000 Iraqis according Opinion Research Business

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 11 years ago

    Yep, Ima, Saddam is still dead, because he put out a contract on “poppy Bush”. Osama bin Laden is dead because competent people were finally allowed by a competent President to got and get him, where he’d been hiding the whole time Bush was “running the show”.

    And, just as Saddam is still dead, and no war was necessary in Iraq, and tax breaks for the rich were stupid, we WILL be paying for Bush’s mistakes and stupid policies, for a LONG, LONG, time, especially those who served in the wars started by “Chickenhawk in Chief”, and the “Vice Chickenhawk”, (who profited nicely from both wars).

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  11. Image
    Newshound41  over 11 years ago

    There are plenty of posters here who pick on President Obama. I think it’s called Freedom of Speech. You practice it on this site all the time. Please, let those who disagree with you do the same.

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  12. Pink calculator
    Ambydextrous  over 11 years ago

    Serves him right, some people in ‘’I-rack’’ can’t even afford paint because of this guy.

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  13. 100 8161
    chazandru  over 11 years ago

    Thank you Radicalish one… I want to write something so disrespectfully sarcastic here it almost hurts… something about Swiss Miss and chocolates. Oh well. Thank you for validating me. The comment about war criminals is also true. I’m sure Cheney, Rumsfeld, and even Mr. Bush could ‘clear their names’ with a visit to the Hague.^@ PepeLePew 2010 – There are a lot of us, neighbor. Some of the best are too busy doing good things for others they don’t have time to read cartoons, much less comment on them. On behalf of them, I thank you for your comment.^@ Rightisright – at first read, you seem to be attacking just one party (taxocrats = democrats?), but a second read showed a grudging credit to both parties for the mistakes made. So on that I can give you a nod, however…I’m glad King pointed out your main inaccuracy regarding Clinton and terrorism. I’ll just add the snide remark about “sex parties” (parties? really? REALLY?) was really petty. I bet Kenneth Starr wishes there had been parties. That would have been MUCH easier to prove.^The higher road gives the best view, neighbor. Try to avoid the mud. It dirties the message and the messenger.Respectfully,C.

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