For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for May 13, 2013

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 12 years ago

    I hardly remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal made by my father (which tasted good of course).

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    Downundergirl  almost 12 years ago

    guess there was no Pizza delivery back in Canada in those days

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    kfccanada  almost 12 years ago

    I find it quite surprising that Ellie didn’t pre- warn John that she wouldn’t be home for dinner and that she’d be out late. She didn’t even mention what her plans were for the evening. Is this the ‘new Ellie’ that was a byproduct of her working full time? if so, this result could have been predicted; however, I still feel she could have let John know ahead of time
.out of respect for him.

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    bluskies  almost 12 years ago

    MMMMM- Pizza night!

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    IndyMan  almost 12 years ago

    It wasn’t very often but there were several times when our three were going up that I was required to prepare the evening meals. I can’t have done too bad—two have survived to their forties,one of which is a Mother, the third is in her thirtes and is a Mother.

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    Poollady  almost 12 years ago

    1 800 Dominos!

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    Mickeylacey  almost 12 years ago

    with all the take out places available 
.no problem leaving them on their own once in a while!!!!

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    masnadies  almost 12 years ago

    My husband would do the same, never mind all 3 kids are capable of heating soup and making sandwiches, even the 4 year old, and he lived alone 10 years. I always get jealous. Mmmm
. take out!

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    alondra  almost 12 years ago

    Exactly! As long as it’s properly covered you can just pop it in the oven the next night.

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    danlarios  almost 12 years ago

    my dad was a good cook especially making enchilladas

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    Kathy M T M Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    my hubby is a great cook. Last night he made the best salmon steaks- delicious.

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    cleokaya  almost 12 years ago

    I am every bit as good a cook as my wife. We are lucky in that we both love food and every night we will eat different cuisines from Thai, Italian, Mexican, Pacific Rim, etc. Food mmm!

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    Gokie5  almost 12 years ago

    1. I remember making nutritious food for my husband to heat up when I was going for surgery or something. Sure enough, it was intact when I returned.2. My son-in-law sometimes makes fancy casseroles for the family and there are tons of leftovers. No one likes them, generally, and we have to throw them out. (Always too spicy for most of the kids.)

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    QuietStorm27  almost 12 years ago

    I was raised by my aunt and uncle. My uncle would cook occasionally and was good at it, and of course he was great on the grill. I am making sure my sons know how to cook at least a few things, whoever gets them will be really lucky. :-)

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    sugarplum1  almost 12 years ago

    When ever Mom was gone for a few days, Dad and I had bacon, eggs and Pancakes every night for dinner. He also said we didn’t have to wash dishes until there were “enough” to wash, that was most likely the night before she came home.

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    LV1951  almost 12 years ago

    My brother & I used to really like it when Dad went to Florida for 2 weeks to see his parents. Mom would heat up Swanson TV dinners for us every night. And Dad would send back a crate of oranges & grapefruits. This was in February too! Loved it! :)

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    USN1977  almost 12 years ago

    When I violated the family rules, sometimes one of the punishments dished out to me was that I had to make my own dinner. That was hard being that I had to use the kitchen when it was not occupied by my parents.

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    loves raising duncan  almost 12 years ago

    Don’t cook tonight
call Chicken Delight! Lol!

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    USN1977  almost 12 years ago

    Oh yeah, great idea! Only trouble was where I was growing up it was a rural seaside community which had few pizzerias. The few that were there were mom & pop operations; there were no chains like Domino’s, Little Ceaser’s, Papa John’s and so forth. As such, no one delivered. Maybe that could be why Lynn was writing this at a time when there was no pizza delivery boys in Canada.

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