Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for June 24, 2013

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 12 years ago

    Oh man, now you’ll lose face, Alice.

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 12 years ago

    Didn’t your parents teach you, Alice, to respect your elders?

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  3. Ricky ricardo oh lucy
    edclectic  almost 12 years ago

    That’s why your nose seems to be growing, Alice.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    I think Madeline has been left speechless! Maybe Alice was getting confused in her memories between Granny and Big Shirley?

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    Stellagal  almost 12 years ago

    Consider the view of a “grandma” through the eyes of a child. What do most grown-ups do when they see their grandkids? The lean in and reach for them. Thus the view of the head and hands are greatly disportionate to everything else.

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    beaver48612  almost 12 years ago

    I just fell off my chair :-D

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  7. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  almost 12 years ago

    The Knuckle Draggin Gramma’sgood name for a rock band

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  8. Bgfcvvesve4ipojsr
    Gokie5  almost 12 years ago

    Frankly, with Grandma the way she really is, I don’t think that Alice would have to exaggerate.

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