The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for April 12, 2013
Television: Our extended forecast calls for temperatures in the mid-sixties, with gusting winds and torrential rain... Television: Followed by a heat wave, with the thermometer topping one hundred degrees, then we'll have freezing temperatures and blizzard-like conditions! Brutus: That's either a really, really extended forecast, or we're in for a rough month!
WillardMBaker almost 12 years ago
Typical week in Saint Louis. 80 degrees last Wednesday. 50 degrees yesterday.
prasrinivara almost 12 years ago
You know Brutus that any month you work for Rancid is going to be rough anyway.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
just another typical spring weather report for the midwest region of the United States
RobinHood2013 almost 12 years ago
Nice… but it still can’t beat the late George Carlin as Al Sleet, the Hippie-Dippie Weatherman… “Tonight’s forecast — DARK! Continued mostly dark tonight, changing to widely scattered light in the morning!”
Rest in peace, George.
RobinHood2013 almost 12 years ago
BTW, in case you’re interested, here’s an address (just copy and paste into your address bar):
starcandles Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Aha! This strip must be based in Missouri!
J Short almost 12 years ago
…followed by frog rain and a swarm of locust. There’s an Apocalypse in the forecast, but first, a few words from our sponsors.
cobraman7594 almost 12 years ago
A lot of people from Missouri here. It was 78 Tuesday in the Joplin area, then snow and lower 30’s yesterday. Gotta love Missouri weather…
NightKram almost 12 years ago
sounds like one interesting day in ohio
rcowens1 almost 12 years ago
Well the other day in NJ (small state) we had temps in the 80’s down south around Cape May & AC, to 70’s up in the north (Newark area & north) but the middle of the state was in the 50’s. Go figure.
EstrelitaH almost 12 years ago
Could be he lives in Colorado. Last week, we had 70 degree weather, with forecasts for “rain showers, followed by snow flurries.” However, next thing you knew, the “rain showers, followed by snow flurries” had turned into BLIZZARD warnings! Also, of course, the temperature went from 70 degrees right on down to ZERO – which turned out to be the coldest day of the year so far – and that was in April!
lsnrchrd almost 12 years ago
We are now experiencing the beginning of a new era of wildly fluctuating weather extremes resulting from climate change. Typical weather conditions prior to 2000 C,E, are of limited utility for comparison purposes with this new era resulting from vast carbon emissions. In the year 2050, teens alive today, with decades of enduring far more extreme events under their belts, will wistfully reminisce about the relatively benign weather on Earth in the first couple of decades of the 21st Century.
jppjr almost 12 years ago
When I worked in radio, I’d give the forecast “Clear to partly cloudy with a chance of rain”
All one Friday, the forecast was partly cloudy for Saturday. When I signed the station on, there’s been snow overnight. I told the listeners not to blame me…Big Government was responsible for the forecast….I’d said it’d be partly cloudy…and I woke up with half an inch of partly cloudy on the driveway.
Five boys almost 12 years ago
@star candle. Or Arkansas!!!
boldyuma almost 12 years ago
If you think the weathers bad now..don’t sweat it…Just wait for the hail of North Korean ICBM’s
mackemouse almost 12 years ago
Welcome to Chicago…
beammeup1701 (Bozo by Foxo makes everyone happy!) almost 12 years ago
I didn’t know you lived in Indianapolis too, Brutus!
As we like to say around here, if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes and it will change…