Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for April 10, 2013

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    chiphilton  almost 12 years ago

    Big suspense — does Knox know about Jaxon?

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    george  almost 12 years ago

    starting to see why Darby has a kid

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    kdizzle  almost 12 years ago

    Darby will recognize fairly quickly that she’s dealing with a case of “cranium emptor” with this dude Foley.

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    chiphilton  almost 12 years ago

    Jaxon was already humongous a year ago. Can’t wait to see the size of him now. And what about Dinny, did his relationship with Darby fizzle?

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  5. Moxie
    grshprnh  almost 12 years ago

    Gotta admit, nice comeback line by Darby.

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  6. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 12 years ago

    Just how big is this school anyway where the kids have never seen each other until they attend a game. Seems to happen each season.

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  7. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  almost 12 years ago

    I heard the Binghampton Principal is Joe Flynn. Who are the couselors, Ernie Borgnine and Tim Conway? Hard Knox= Big Swelled Head. Does Darby now go to MHS or is she still home schooled? As I recall, Big Jaxon’s daddy is older than dart throwin’ Darby.

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    rusty gate  almost 12 years ago

    Lots of alimony.

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  9. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  almost 12 years ago

    Wasn’t Knox’s line in P3 supposed to be something like, “You, two milkshakes, and a date at the Bucket.”

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  10. Top cat 2
    Pat Murray  almost 12 years ago

    Where exactly is Milford? I know Binghamton is in what is known as the Southern Tier of New York state.

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    guidi82  almost 12 years ago

    at Have Mop:Remember that Darby goes to the remedial school or something. They must not have sports so she attains that passion, as well as her baby producing one, at MILFord

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    cuttersjock  almost 12 years ago

    …..don’t know why I’m emotionally involved here, but in recent memory I haven’t disliked a character more than Knox Foley. Obviously lavished with praise and material possessions by his cuckolded impotent father, Knox exhibits all the traits of a future night shift manager at a Jack in the Box. Hope Neil and Rod will mete out an appropriate lesson of hubris recanted here…..or at least show more Moon!

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    decten1968  almost 12 years ago

    Knox Foley’s alter ego – Richard Cranium

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  14. Luhm 2 27 10
    Mopman  almost 12 years ago

    Maybe we should start a pool. How many weeks will go by before we find out who the heck fell at the gas station at the start of this story?

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    peachyanddanny  almost 12 years ago

    What I want to know is, is Milford ever going back to the playDOWNS in any sport. Loser High.

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    mendel64  almost 12 years ago

    I’m glad the young people have got their priorities on straight.

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    tcar-1  almost 12 years ago

    @bearwku82……..and they have a Japanese exchange student named Fuiji!

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    bostonEddie  almost 12 years ago

    I am told there is a Milford in every one of the 48 continental United States. I live in the one in Southeastern MA. And yes, there really was an escaped peacock running around town a few months ago.

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