Reminds me of an elevator with two doors placed between a new building and an existing building at a university. I got on one floor and pressed the button for another “floor.” The other door opened while the first door was still open, because they were really on the same floor. I could have walked around if I were paying more attention.
racerxyz almost 12 years ago
I am highly amused and amazed that this continues to be a fresh joke. Few could have kept it from being stale. Bravo! :D
libbydog almost 12 years ago
ˆs it the the “great and powerful” elevator of Oz?
Ermine Notyours almost 12 years ago
Reminds me of an elevator with two doors placed between a new building and an existing building at a university. I got on one floor and pressed the button for another “floor.” The other door opened while the first door was still open, because they were really on the same floor. I could have walked around if I were paying more attention.
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
Cue female voice:
DavidGBA almost 12 years ago
There are places where there are two doors on the elevator, and that is the only open access to one of those spaces.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
And that’s how he discovered that his life was being broadcast as The Horace Show.:Name that reference!
samsonsamson2 almost 12 years ago
Agreed! Ha ha!
Shelby57 almost 12 years ago
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, Horace! :)