The prototype for the new ( and improved ) North Korean missile of mass destruction of the running Yankee dogs, Imperialist aggressors, who have boycotted the Great Leader-for-life/god from getting his stash of Hershey’s kisses !
It seems like he wants to be invaded to kill off all those hungry mouths his failed economy system can’t afford to feed. Then hope for a “Marshall Plan” to come in from the West to rebuild his infrastructure as we have done so many times in the past.
I think it really teed him off when he found out that it had been Dennis Rodman and NOT President Obama. You should check these things out ahead of time, buddy.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
The prototype for the new ( and improved ) North Korean missile of mass destruction of the running Yankee dogs, Imperialist aggressors, who have boycotted the Great Leader-for-life/god from getting his stash of Hershey’s kisses !
Linux0s almost 12 years ago
This means war!
Dean almost 12 years ago
It seems like he wants to be invaded to kill off all those hungry mouths his failed economy system can’t afford to feed. Then hope for a “Marshall Plan” to come in from the West to rebuild his infrastructure as we have done so many times in the past.
vwdualnomand almost 12 years ago
waiting to see if one general says screw this, and rebels against kim.
loves raising duncan almost 12 years ago
As long as they don’t have nuclear bombs on them, you should be alright.
PoodleGroomer almost 12 years ago
The last one wasn’t a satellite launch. It was improper disposal of a dorm refrigerator.
Sherlock Watson almost 12 years ago
Now that’s just lazy. When I was a kid, there weren’t any books of paper airplanes; we had to make them by hand, dadgummit!:Welcome back, Pab.
pauljmsn almost 12 years ago
I think it really teed him off when he found out that it had been Dennis Rodman and NOT President Obama. You should check these things out ahead of time, buddy.