Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for May 03, 2013

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    Gator007  almost 12 years ago

    That’s the way I feel about today’s tech.

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  2. Kittay
    naturally_easy  almost 12 years ago

    saw that one coming a mile away.

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    tahoeh2o  almost 12 years ago


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  4. Chai
    Perkycat  almost 12 years ago

    This is so me. If there is an emergency, just give me a few minutes to figure out how to call 911.

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    snarky1941  almost 12 years ago

    Why do they call ’em smart phones?

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I see.

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    Rod Gonzalez  almost 12 years ago

    My first cooment on THIS strip is . . . where are the Evil Yorkies?

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