Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for April 24, 2013

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    swami mommy  almost 12 years ago

    Why is she using a crayola?

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    Salinasong  almost 12 years ago

    I remember when I was a little girl, we had thick, round, green pencils in the younger grades. I think we started using the standard, longer, yellow pencils in fourth or fifth grade. I went to grade school in the 60’s and funny to think that they’re still using those green pencils after all this time.

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    WaitingMan  almost 12 years ago

    I finger painted on Plato’s Cave.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    I see.

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  5. Bbjcesh
    barister  almost 12 years ago

    The difference Baldito is that Gracie will come up with the correct answer.

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    beaver48612  almost 12 years ago

    Math only works one way. We’ve been solving the same problems for hundreds of years. Deal with it.

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