Phoebe: What's my motivation in this scene? Teacher: You're a ladybug. You lost your lollipop. Phoebe: what's my history with this lollipop? Am i heavily invested in it? Teacher: Don't overthink this. Phoebe: Right. I'll just do like it's my favorite one.
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Kali39 almost 12 years ago
Director: Method actors. I hate those guys!
Five boys almost 12 years ago
My ten year old granddaughter is going to be toto in wizard of oz. She wears a headband with ears on it. Wanted to wear a dog nose with it to the mall. Her mother drew the line at the nose!!
luckylouie almost 12 years ago
I had a role in a 3rd Grade play — I was a rock. It was a good role. The rocks got to sit and hug their knees; the trees had to stand with their arms stretched out.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Lollipops are made of sugar.That’s motivation for any child…: D
rpmurray almost 12 years ago
You can have a history with a lollipop? With me it was three licks and then crunch and it was gone. Oh lolly, I hardly knew ye!
kaykeyser almost 12 years ago
don’t over act Pheebs and no ad-libbing Directors just want you to read your lines.
John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Sometimes Method is good, sometimes it’s bad. I was once cast as Gonzalo in “The Tempest”, and it was all vocal shtick and gestures; then I was promoted to Alonso and it was all digging for the pain. Horses for courses.
Simon_Jester almost 12 years ago
Woody Allen once decribed being cast as God in a play called Gideon. He tried to make it a method performance, living the part off-stage..
“A guy backed into my fender and I said unto him, ‘Be fruitful, and multiply’ — but not in those words.”
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Let’s go with that Phoebe.
Weapon Brown almost 3 years ago
(SIGH) Method actors!
jerrica.benton333 8 months ago
It’s, like, so lame when somebody on a project isn’t into backstory/lore… like do a different play, “ms. dramateacher”^ — if that is your real name…
^finger quotes