Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for April 21, 2013

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    CP Justy  almost 12 years ago


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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 12 years ago

    Go play with Lord Spindid whoever, Phoebe; he’s VERY good at hiding.

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    luducks  almost 12 years ago

    The shield of leafiness!

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    firedome  almost 12 years ago

    I think that is how she was found in the first place…

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    farren  almost 12 years ago

    okay, I’m back from the “The Last Unicorn” event, and had one hell of a time. First, I did get to meet Dana and she turned out to be just as nice as you could figure she is, if not nicer. I got a poster that features Marigold and Almathea (the aforementioned Last Unicorn" nose-to-nose, signed by both Dana and Peter Beagle (what a rush!), met tons of unicorn fans who mostly didn’t know about Heavenly Nostrils (they do now, you betcha), learned several things about HN, including the fact that newspaper syndication starts Real Soon Now (yes, real newspapers!), and that the collection will be available next year. Good news all around! There was other good news that I can’t share (sorry), too.I figure that there were three red-letter happenings today. First, I got to meet two of my bona-fide comic goddesses (Dana and Shaenon K. Garrity), got to watch a super-HD version of The Last Unicorn (watch for it to show up near you – it’s totally worth it) with Peter Beagle himself, and got a membership in the Museum of Cartoon Art in SF., absolutely worth it if you’re in the area. I’m pleased and exhausted, in that order.

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    texan1972  almost 12 years ago

    ego much

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    Q4horse  almost 12 years ago

    I spent the day at the Midwest Horse fair. I saw the worlds tallest living horse. Big Jake. He is a real ham, and loves a good scratch. I saw Jason drive the six horse Preifert Percheron Thunder team (12,300 lbs of galloping black horses). He drove them roman style, standing on the backs of the last two horses, totally awesome! I won’t mention the shopping. According to the animal communicator, many horses really love to show off, just like a certain unicorn we all know!

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  8. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  almost 12 years ago

    There is certainly no humble splendidity (?) for Marigold!

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    kaykeyser  almost 12 years ago

    So Marigold can’t hide. We should leaf her alone. but I was thinking of Lord Splendid. Since he’s so good at hiding I wounder if he can be found in strips before we knew to look for him? He could have been with us since the beginning just not viable.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Phoebe wins.

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    sadiedog  almost 12 years ago

    Couldn’t Marigold just put up a shield of boringness?

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  12. John w kennedy 2010 square
    John W Kennedy Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    But this raises serious philosophical issues. Is Marigold truly the pinnacle of perfection if she cannot perfectly hide?

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  13. J cdfqvx
    luducks  almost 12 years ago

    Oh, she /can/ hide, if she wants to, but chooses not to. She recognizes how limited and unmagically inept Phoebe is! It just wouldn’t be fair to the inferior naked mole rat.

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    tazz555  almost 12 years ago

    Cant argue with the truth

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    Masterius  almost 12 years ago

    One more day to Happy Birthday!

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    Masterius  almost 12 years ago

    Happy One Year Anniversary!! (It’s April 22nd as I post this).

    Congratulations Dana! And a very big “Thank You!” for brightening up this last year for all of us!

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    DragonGriffin2000  almost 4 years ago

    Marigold is basically the oppisite of Lord Splendid Humility, isn’t she

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  18. Jem
    jerrica.benton333  over 1 year ago

    what happenned to all the big fluffy megaman 2 clouds?

    (my best guess is laser skywriters)

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  19. Kark hockey
    Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon  10 months ago

    She sucks at hide and seek…

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