“Little monkeys, I’m going to shut down the big grinder…not much of a crowd tonight…maybe it’s the wind out there.
I’ll be going home in a while….
Don’t go out in the patio tonight…Dimitri will walk you home in the morning… stay on the ground!
And I want you all to hold hands.”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Susan ,
Do you think the little monkeys might be interested in buying some property? There’s some new listings on Little Ballard St., and it’s right around the corner from the Tiki! It’d be a lot closer for them, I think…
I have my doors open again today (just 66 out right now). I ran the AC for a few hours both last night and the night before (really need to when the bedtime temp is high 90s). Not even a cool soaking bath helps that. I have been in the pool to my waist a few times, but not up to swimming temp for me- just using as a heat-sink.
Fenton, my sweet Boxerish love, a cup of heavy cream for that cat, and a cup of kibble for Scooter, and a double shot of Amaretto for me…and a rack of ribs for you on your break…put em all on my tab, then transfer my tab to Lings…he wont notice till he’s in Equador and it will be too late for him to complain…thanks sugar bugger…Ling, let me know when its winter there…any other time will cause my suntan to burn bright red and I will peel like I was a lemon… I was a redhead….till it turned silver….btw, I will send my bank’s info for the tab as soon as you say “BOO!”…
@Happy,I totally regulate the house temps as much as pssible using fresh air in spring and fall. Yhis morning I had both N & S exposures open until 10AM when it was approaching 90F and I had eaten breakfast and went to Sprouts for week’s groceries. I now changed back into workout swimsuit. and ate my supper so I can do all my weights.
No moldy problem here in Phoenix, I’m comfy hanging around the house in just my mesh swimsuit but once the outdoors gets over 100, I need a little AC to bring inside down to 75-78. That is fine for sleeping with just a sheet. (under 70 I need a quilt or my man ).
HI! I’M STORMY, ONE OF SHIKA’S FORMER CATS. I WANT TO MEET STORMY. WHAT THE HECK? DO YOU LOOK ANYTHING LIKE ME? I SEE YOU ARE A HURRICANE NOW. I’M GLAD YOU ARE HERE ON BALLARD STREET.<K.Which way to Prince Mua’s Cat Chalet? How did he rate a Chalet, while I get this bed with a flannel blanket. (grumble, grumbel Just wait til I speak to Shika tonight.)
Sorry I’m so scarce. I’ve been out a lot. Today I went for a birding hike. Lovely. We saw 25 birds. But I haven’t eaten dinner, and I have things to catch up on.I hope you excuse Stormy’s little rant. She doesn’t mind that I got Mua after she crossed the rainbow bridge. What brought her back is someone else named Stormy (or Storm), and also the fact that Mua snagged a Cat Chalet on Ballard Street, while she has spent all this time sleeping on a flannel blanket on my bed. I must fix that before she plans revenge on Mua.
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Scooter, will you never learn?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Where ya bin?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Bev…. I thought Miss Mabels ‘Alterations and Edible Fruit Arrangements had been shut down by the vi …. er… had… some very nice arrangements.
(Don’t want to start any rumors if it isn’t true.)
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I’ll be back.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Though elated, Rusty is not sure about what to do next.
Linguist almost 12 years ago
Scooter wasn’t the brightest dog in the litter, but he is pretty long-suffering when it comes to that rascal. Rusty Cat.
Bilan almost 12 years ago
A dog-gone cat-astrophy.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh… Marg… that sounds great! Glad you’re back though….I’d been almost just about to worry. :)
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Bev—- well, I can’t say too much…I mean, maybe it was just a rumor….or maybe she made a deal with the prosecutor…
No, not THAT kind of deal…not the kind that got her in troub… er, that some people SAY got her in trouble…
With those… um…. edible…. well, you know….there were some edible…. deliveries….
and… very well placed…. fruit… and oh dear.
x_Tech almost 12 years ago
Noting the deployment of the claws I believe Scooter will have something else on his, eh, ah, mind shortly
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
X … as both sides are similarly arrayed….
We may have occasion to determine who owns the subordinate claws.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I think the Monkey must have left the south door open on the patio…Some of that North wind escaped and headed our way!
Monkeeee! Close the gate!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Little monkeys, I’m going to shut down the big grinder…not much of a crowd tonight…maybe it’s the wind out there.
I’ll be going home in a while….
Don’t go out in the patio tonight…Dimitri will walk you home in the morning… stay on the ground!
And I want you all to hold hands.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Oh Red… just in time!
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
How are you?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
You didn’t leave already, did you?
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 12 years ago
zzzz… Oh! …zzzzz>*pf< kk? (yawn….)huh?zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
StelBel almost 12 years ago
If only Scooter had stayed in bed this morning….
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
StelBel almost 12 years ago
“Little monkeys, I’m going to shut down the big grinder…not much of a crowd tonight…maybe it’s the wind out there.
I’ll be going home in a while….
Don’t go out in the patio tonight…Dimitri will walk you home in the morning… stay on the ground!
And I want you all to hold hands.”+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Susan ,
Do you think the little monkeys might be interested in buying some property? There’s some new listings on Little Ballard St., and it’s right around the corner from the Tiki! It’d be a lot closer for them, I think…
Storm F-1/4 almost 12 years ago
But in all fairness, Scooter waits patiently while kitty plays with the floppy leg.
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
I have my doors open again today (just 66 out right now). I ran the AC for a few hours both last night and the night before (really need to when the bedtime temp is high 90s). Not even a cool soaking bath helps that. I have been in the pool to my waist a few times, but not up to swimming temp for me- just using as a heat-sink.
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML almost 12 years ago
damkats…. did ah ever tell ya….?(me an skuuter dont trust ’em)
Linda Solomon almost 12 years ago
Fenton, my sweet Boxerish love, a cup of heavy cream for that cat, and a cup of kibble for Scooter, and a double shot of Amaretto for me…and a rack of ribs for you on your break…put em all on my tab, then transfer my tab to Lings…he wont notice till he’s in Equador and it will be too late for him to complain…thanks sugar bugger…Ling, let me know when its winter there…any other time will cause my suntan to burn bright red and I will peel like I was a lemon… I was a redhead….till it turned silver….btw, I will send my bank’s info for the tab as soon as you say “BOO!”…
Vet Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Now this one makes me laugh to no end. I just love the looks. This one goes in my collection I keep on my office wall.
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
@Happy,I totally regulate the house temps as much as pssible using fresh air in spring and fall. Yhis morning I had both N & S exposures open until 10AM when it was approaching 90F and I had eaten breakfast and went to Sprouts for week’s groceries. I now changed back into workout swimsuit. and ate my supper so I can do all my weights.
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
No moldy problem here in Phoenix, I’m comfy hanging around the house in just my mesh swimsuit but once the outdoors gets over 100, I need a little AC to bring inside down to 75-78. That is fine for sleeping with just a sheet. (under 70 I need a quilt or my man ).
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
HI! I’M STORMY, ONE OF SHIKA’S FORMER CATS. I WANT TO MEET STORMY. WHAT THE HECK? DO YOU LOOK ANYTHING LIKE ME? I SEE YOU ARE A HURRICANE NOW. I’M GLAD YOU ARE HERE ON BALLARD STREET.<K.Which way to Prince Mua’s Cat Chalet? How did he rate a Chalet, while I get this bed with a flannel blanket. (grumble, grumbel Just wait til I speak to Shika tonight.)
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Sorry I’m so scarce. I’ve been out a lot. Today I went for a birding hike. Lovely. We saw 25 birds. But I haven’t eaten dinner, and I have things to catch up on.I hope you excuse Stormy’s little rant. She doesn’t mind that I got Mua after she crossed the rainbow bridge. What brought her back is someone else named Stormy (or Storm), and also the fact that Mua snagged a Cat Chalet on Ballard Street, while she has spent all this time sleeping on a flannel blanket on my bed. I must fix that before she plans revenge on Mua.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hi Susan, StelBel, marg, DAZZ and bev! Hi happy, lol Love the picture.
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Signing off early. Will post Stormy’s new digs next. She works fast!
vldazzle almost 12 years ago
I want to take a nice bath before bed; back tomorrow!
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 12 years ago
What lovely photos of Cuddles, DAZZ. Thanks for whaaring them. And your painting is exquisite.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Scooter, you old bounder. You know better than to relax when Fluffy is on the prowl.
Tigressy almost 2 years ago
Some table manners…
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Good morning Balladeers and Tigressy!!