If you can worry how much money you will make on a deal, you haven’t QUITE abandoned worldliness.-If it is simply a matter of curiosity to help answer the question more definitely, you are still skipping worldliness.-I think we’ve all seen people who professed to be uninterested in mundane things like money and were mad others didn’t show the same disinterest and give them more money. .They complain multinational businesses are moving operations to countries where they can make higher profits rather than staying in their country where THEY can make more money. .“You should give up your money so I can have it,” is what they are really saying..virtual Agnes types
J Short over 11 years ago
If you don’t have worldliness, do you have homeliness?
Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 11 years ago
Does Agnes’ forehead come to a point higher than the rest of her head?
Hunter7 over 11 years ago
Lots. Lots of money have would you.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 11 years ago
If you can worry how much money you will make on a deal, you haven’t QUITE abandoned worldliness.-If it is simply a matter of curiosity to help answer the question more definitely, you are still skipping worldliness.-I think we’ve all seen people who professed to be uninterested in mundane things like money and were mad others didn’t show the same disinterest and give them more money. .They complain multinational businesses are moving operations to countries where they can make higher profits rather than staying in their country where THEY can make more money. .“You should give up your money so I can have it,” is what they are really saying..virtual Agnes types