Rubes by Leigh Rubin for May 01, 2013

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    Patricia Bocklage Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Don’t even mention the platypus – he’ll have you put away.

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    emptc12  almost 12 years ago

    “It’s true, Chief! But if we come back in 100 years only the naked bipeds, kudzu, and cockroaches will be left.”

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 12 years ago

    First I marveled that they happened to notice endangered creatures in particular. Then I realized that these are among the largest land animals. Maybe the telescope isn’t strong enough.

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  4. Opy
    xpurplezebra  almost 12 years ago

    Man designed Gawd, evolution designed life.

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  5. Baltimore city and inner harbor
    Dr Lou Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Another Republican who pretends science doesn’t exist.

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    fixer1967  almost 12 years ago

    Just wait until talks about some of the humans he seen at a placed called ‘Walmart’ . He will get locked away as a nut then for sure.

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