Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 04, 2013

  1. 061
    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    What about the poor, mentally ill, handicapped, elderly and otherwise disenfranchised. When is Gary going to get with the real issues of today?

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    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    I knew he was dealing with Ray, and very kindly I might add. Plus the way he handles the boy with the eye patch and his pregnant wife. Those are done with empathy. I had forgotten the other ones. But, as I posted earlier, yesterday now, I really am sick of the trolls on here dealing constantly with the non-issues. I know Sgt. is simply a clueless troll with a one track mind. But some of the left are just about as guilty if not as verbose. I guess I will be accused of a one track mind, but I really don’t see a good outcome for our country if we cannot move forward and to the center. We must pull together and unite. In my mind I can see a town hallmeeting where after the initial agenda the Mayor, or whatever moderator, says to the people to turn and introduce themselves to as many people around them as they can. And then to mingle. I know I’m idealistic but this could happen if we quit letting the government tell us everything. I’ll let the rant light go out now, but I’ll be back with my vision of hope and change soon.

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  3. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  almost 12 years ago

    Isn’t it about time Roland did a tour of Dumya’s brain, just like he did for Ronald Reagan? Sooner or later, we have to find if one actually exists…

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    Doughfoot  almost 12 years ago

    John Pike is right on the mark. Too many people think “if only those people over there on the other side would go away and shut up, then everything would be fine.” The nation will never be conservative enough to please conservatives, nor liberal enough to please liberals. You cannot escape the liberals/conservatives in your family, workplace, community, nation. They will always be with you. You can promote the causes/policies you think best without attacking or denigrating those who disagree with you. — Unless you’re a satirist like Trudeau, whose job it is to poke fun: but then he pokes fun at everybody. I do rather wonder at the motives of those who read a comic strip with the sole intention of attacking the author of it, and attacking those who enjoy it. There is a difference between critique and insult.

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    jollyjack  almost 12 years ago

    The book that W was reading to the children when informed that the country was under attack AND HE FROZE!

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    Ollyvah  almost 12 years ago

    the " goat book" was the childrens story the idiot in chief was attempting to read when he got first notice of the planes hitting the towers & causing a controled demolition of the New York buildings while all of those innocent people were at work

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    RevvieQuar  almost 12 years ago

    Ahem, how many of the richest members of Congress are Dems?

    I happen to be homeless because of the shenanigans the rodentially-pawed Dems/libs got their filthy paws on what was a humming economy. I give you Frank-Dodd (and Frank, who should saying “hello, Bubba” in prison for running a homosexual escort service out of the page pool in Congress).

    Oh, and assuming you’re not a student of history in any capacity (Dems/Libs almost never are), Socialism has never worked in practice due to the selfishness of basic nature, and, one cannot tax-and-spend one’s way out of an economic mess as FDR tried to do, often unconstitutionally and quite unsuccessfully, but nowhere near the Constitution-shredding of our present Marxist-in-Chief.

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  8. Asa
    asa4ever  almost 12 years ago

    My index finger got a workout “flag” Guard Sgt. Guard SGT, are you the guard at Walmart at night, hence the title?

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    UltraL  almost 12 years ago

    ”If you have one microgram of honesty, you would admit that no matter what President Bush did, you would hate him for it." I love this. Of course,this doesn’t have any relation to the unceasing criticism of President Obama. It’s just reasoned analysis when hating him no matter what he does. Ha ha ha!

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    wdgnas  almost 12 years ago

    if the products from the oil that is going to refined in houston are going to stay in the u.s., i would be more likely to approve of the pipeline. the owners of the pipeline has been quoted saying if the pipeline is not built thru the u.s. he would build it to the west coast of canada where the products will be delivered to ASIAN markets…

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  11. Bennymore
    elx  almost 12 years ago

    What’s the Goat Book?

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    pmmarion Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    You learn something new every day. I never knew that “The Pet Goat” was the book he was reading to children on 9/11. That it is a totally useless and irrelevant knowledge is apropos.

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  13. Wolf kitten2
    spooked wolf  almost 12 years ago

    Pls forgive my non-political, and probably mundane, remarks, as follows:

    I can hardly curb my enthusiasm (in fact I can’t) at seeing the original-ish characters back on the strip! E.G. Zonker (with, unfortunately , Zipper, but o well); an entire Sunday strip with Mikim, and now today’s. In fact, I am so ecstatic, that I shall even include the odious but also fairly r original Roland. And then there’s Dubya’s cameo! Woot and huzzah!!

    On the other hand, Roland seems to be drawn differently. Or maybe his age is finally catching up with him?

    And WHY and/or WHEN did Mike’s glasses start being drawn under his nose?! Must research this, which will be a lot of fun a.k.a. a trip down Memory Lane.

    Okay everyone, back to you. After a while, though, don’t you think that the political comments get a little old? As in beating a dead horse? Just sayin’’

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    UltraL  almost 12 years ago

    My gosh, you are entertaining. I’m beginning to wish you could illustrate your comments, they’re more humorous than GT! Not so much in a funny “ha ha” way, but funny nonetheless! “Obama’s always blaming…” – but Carter and Clinton – actual causes of economic problems – no blame there, just unbiased analysis! I hope GT reads your comments!

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  15. Scan 36
    Bandera_Ken  almost 12 years ago

    I was for President Bush until he invaded the wrong country. His fighting two wars on credit while cutting taxes for his rich buddies just made me dislike him even more. Then he crashed the economy and his revisionist supporters blame the black guy who wasn’t even elected yet when it crashed.

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    UltraL  almost 12 years ago

    “Stories are coming out…could face impeachment…” The tin foil hat crowd began impeachment proceedings on President Obama when he put mustard on his hamburger. More inane news echo from the bubble. "Some say…Obama could be impeached over…(fill in the bubble-blank). There’s a good amount of evidence against W – but it happens to all be true – war criminals, the two of them (Dr. Evil, I mean, Chaney). Talk about your sad reality…

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    annieb1012  almost 12 years ago

    @John Pike “I really am sick of the trolls on here dealing constantly with the non-issues. I know Sgt. is simply a clueless troll with a one track mind.”


    Definitely agree. But, having observed that the troll track never veers, I’ve learned to scroll/roll merrily down that single track to the next comment of interest, without taking in any of the blather. It’s improved my Doonesbury experience amazingly. It’s been gratifying to observe, too, though, that on other strips’ forums, the Sarge offers completely reasonable, even amiable, comments. Good on him for that, anyway!

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  18. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  almost 12 years ago

    While I do agree with you on some things, you have to be more truthful. Clinton wanted to have the people that lived in the old housing to buy it and then with the pride of ownership, fix it up.(good idea, BTW) What happened was the house building companies just lobbied to increase the amount of the loans, which should have been tied to the area. The people found out they could buy new and moved out of the low income areas just to create new low income areas. After 911, against the objections of Alan Greenspan, Wall street was allowed to bundle mortgages and sell them as AAA paper. Homeowners kept refinancing and home prices rose because of it. This was done under Bush’s watch. Many times what sounds like a good program morphs into a bad program.

    The question is, " was this what they really wanted?"

    I can not answer that.

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    andygup  almost 12 years ago

    I think it was the book he was reading to the kids when the aide first whispered into his ear about the 9/11 attack.

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    andygup  almost 12 years ago

    These jokes are easy to rehash, but a true test of his character is his post presidential legacy, a man with influence, but free of the limits ironically imposed by a position of power.

    Maybe he’ll ust hang out in texas, make bad paintings, and supplement my income by making speeches for 100 000 dollars a pop.

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    JAPrufrock  almost 12 years ago

    I figure that Guard SGT is receiving long term monetary remuneration via one of the Koch Bs foundations to trash GT and friends. For that reason I try not to feed the trolls…. damn, did it again!

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  22. Spinynorman
    Gabryant  almost 12 years ago

    This one’s actually not even funny.

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  23. Masked
    Rickapolis  almost 12 years ago

    Dubya was the worst president since James Buchanan. A national disgrace. He shamed us all.

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    Justice22  almost 12 years ago

    Mr. Troll, You are right, my insurance rates have skyrocketed. They went up over 50 cents a month this year.

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    APersonOfInterest  almost 12 years ago

    No one will ever accuse me of not being a Democrat with a capital “D” and a liberal, but I must point out to you that President Clinton had a lot to do with the deregulation that led up to the economic collapse. -Bur, of course, the war in Iraq can be attributed to Scrub and Darth Cheney Vader.

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  26. Inkblot2
    Ink blot Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    No one knew what the situation was. There was a whole school of children to consider — creating a panic would not have been helpful. Bush did the only sensible thing — stay put, and maintain an air of calmness, while the situation was assessed.

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    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    Sorry goweeder. I wasn’ saying I wasn’t verbose. I was saying many on the left aren’t. But, it’s true that many of theleft are also. So, I’ll retract the verbose remark. My wife says I am much too verbose anyway.

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    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    “I hope your health is good and things have improved in you life of late? Or at least gotten no worse…..”

    I am improving physically and on schedule, according to my doctor. Trust me back surgery takes longer when to heal you are post 60.

    I believe that this back surgery and all has given me purpose. I feel the need to express my political beliefs and let the barbs of others fall where they will. I truly think that some are adult adolescents sitting in Mom’s basement just pounding away on a keyboard what they heard at dinner. Can’t prove it, but the imagery is good.

    I’ll be around. I’m happy to see you have stayed and are protecting what is right(correct). Keep up the good work.

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    pawpawbear  almost 12 years ago

    I cannot agree with you more. That is why we the people have to come together and get the power brokers out of Washington.

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    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    “The Pet Goat”, sometimes erroneously referred to as “My Pet Goat,” was the story that George W. Bush was reading from a children’s reader to the a kindergarten class when he was informed of the 9-11 attacks.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Trudeau once again makes Dubya the goat…as has history.

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    annieb1012  almost 12 years ago

    @Doctor Toon “You haven’t caught the rants he makes at Shoe, I think he’s even poisoned the Garfield page a time or 2”


    You’re right, I don’t visit those pages. But I did see a perfectly innocuous post on “Frazz” this morning, and I think it’s worth noting when someone shows a different, more enjoyable side.

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    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    Let the truth come out.

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    jimsizemore1405  almost 12 years ago

    I will always believe that all drugs should be legal and regulated, the age restriction removed from Medicare, finally free education for all limited only by their skill and desire to work hard to get it. Who pays for it? You and me.

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    Newshound41  almost 12 years ago

    The truth always comes out. Just, sometimes it takes a while.

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    SClark55  almost 12 years ago

    Ever since Bush walked out of the White House carrying the book “Bias” by Bernie Goldberg prominently displayed, these lib’s have been trying to drum up this silly notion that Bush can’t read… that really hurt their puny little feelings when he did that. The President of the US saw right thru them and chided them, and they just can’t handle it. .Trudeau is a bright guy, but W has more brains, knowledge and savvy in his little finger, than Trudeau would know what to do with..I was raised in California, and have lived in Texas now since 1999. It’s great to be with people who are down-to-earth and don’t care about the pretentiousness of the elite lib’s in this country. Having lived in three states, I’m staying right here.

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    susan.e.a.c  almost 12 years ago

    Yes, all presidential libraries are self-serving, just like this comic strip is. Duh. Think Trudeau would ever have a week-long strip on how Clinton and Reagan and George HW Bush actually put in powerful positions some people who disagreed with some core beliefs, but Bush Jr and especially Obama are so afraid of nay-sayers that they plug yes-men/women into every nook and cranny?

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    kaffekup   almost 12 years ago

    And lest we forget, Bush himself admitted that it was a mistake for the WHITE HOUSE to put up the banner. Must have been forced to by Obama.

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    crabjuice  almost 12 years ago

    Total lie.

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  40. Rushfarewell
    cinderellaman  almost 12 years ago

    Speaking of corrupt party & Kool-Aid….Sgt must be rather young, he doesn’t seem to remember the damage done to the economy all started under Nixon’s watch. There are three specific actions by Nixon that caused this:

    1) In 1971, due to rising costs of our wrongheaded involvement in Vietnam, Nixon closed the window on the Dollar to Gold exchange rate – known as the “Nixon Shock”. This was only supposed to be temporary, but it remains in place today.

    2) Also in 1971, Nixon’s economic policy – called wage & price control, had a devastating effect on retail pricing. I remember paying 23¢ per gallon of gasoline, then immediately upon it’s passage – it jumped to the upper 50’s per gallon!

    3) October 1973 brought the most devastating effect to the economy – siding with Israel in the Yom Kippur/Ramadan war. This led to the oil embargo that people of your ilk love to blame on Jimmy Carter. This decision should’ve taught us, you don’t piss off the folks supplying you with Crude Oil – a lesson we have yet to learn.

    Thankfully, Watergate put an end to his shenanigans, but the country’s economic slide was just beginning.

    *Obligatory disclaimer – I am a registered Independent, as both parties are one and the same.

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    freedomone  almost 12 years ago

    It appears at least one cartoonist is too afraid of a certain golfaholic who does not speak Austrian, and has visited 58 states, and cannot get through a week without sticking his foostie where it does not belong. Instead he drags up unemployed Bushes. What a coward.

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  42. Gramma
    Kim0158 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Why doesn’t Trudeau waste some ink on Obama & current events. There’s certainly enough material in today’s headlines for a “comic” strip.

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