La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for May 26, 2013

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    King_Shark  almost 12 years ago

    Thanks for telling it the way we in the targeted part of the world see it, Night-Gaunt.

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    cdward  almost 12 years ago

    Sadly, you are right.

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  3. Bosco
    lutherg1  almost 12 years ago

    All this mawkish sentimentality over our soldiers. The only real way to show them respect and gratitude is to insure that they never get put in harm’s way to satisfy a whim, or to put money into already fat pockets.As this latest war was being contemplated, Congress was busy asking entertainers about steroids.We older citizens—the “hell no, we won’t go” generation—signed off on the war ’cause there was no draft, and everyone knows that REAL Americans go to college—not to the armed services.

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    LOWRIDER84  over 11 years ago

    How, exactly, do you imagine that a bank can “repossess” a home with a “fully paid” mortgage? Oh, granted, a home can be seized for non-payment of taxes, but the bank is not involved in that. We all are afflicted with taxes so that the parasites can be supported (and faithfully vote for democrats) even military members.

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