Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 30, 2009
August 29, 2009
August 31, 2009
Beni: The matter-antimatter matrix in your popper is higgeledy-piggledy. I'll hit it with a hammer and it should be good as new.
Alice: I was afraid it was the transmission again.
Years ago I saw the obituary for the man who invented this toy. Seems he was a highly accomplished inventor in a range of products. Wish I could remember his name, or at least the name of that toy.
Picking up on my earlier comment,… Someone told me the toy is called a “Corn Popper”, so I was able to find the inventor was named Ralph Crawford. However, I could not find much else about him in Google. That’s what happens when you die before the Internet got invented.
I would not have been able to save Alice and her popper, because my mother was continually confiscating my water pistols (and slingshots) for hardly any reason at all.
margueritem over 15 years ago
I hate when those poppers blow a tranie…..
GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago
A short reprieve from the uh-oh baby.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Popomatic pops the dice…dilithium crystals let you move twice.
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
Years ago I saw the obituary for the man who invented this toy. Seems he was a highly accomplished inventor in a range of products. Wish I could remember his name, or at least the name of that toy.
gary wolner over 15 years ago
The guy who invented antimatter died??
pibfan868 over 15 years ago
Love Cul De Sac, it makes me laugh so much!
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Sounds and acts alot like my car. But it looks more like R2-D2 happy to see another robot.
oribassi over 15 years ago
i LOVE the “cover my heart in fear’ look…. –
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
Picking up on my earlier comment,… Someone told me the toy is called a “Corn Popper”, so I was able to find the inventor was named Ralph Crawford. However, I could not find much else about him in Google. That’s what happens when you die before the Internet got invented.
Ushindi over 15 years ago
I would not have been able to save Alice and her popper, because my mother was continually confiscating my water pistols (and slingshots) for hardly any reason at all.
comics4brown over 15 years ago
I hate it when things get “higgledy-puggledy” on you, so hard to diagnose!
RugerJac over 15 years ago
WHY is this so FUNNY? hahahhahaha
Keith Messamer over 15 years ago
Good thing Beni had a squirt gun nearby. If the antimatter matrix really blew, you’d have to do more than replace the dilithium.
MisngNOLA over 15 years ago
Old Hippy, did it blow your mind to be the star of a Hollywood movie?
Omniman over 5 years ago
If the antimatter matrix blew, it would almost certainly take the transmission with it. At that point, you might as well just replace the whole thing.