Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 03, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling The Sequester and You With your host, Hollingsworth Hound TM Hound: I'm taking time off before my vacation to explain the sequester! Hound: My economists say the deficit will ruin the economy! Hound: So the sequester reduces spending in an apolitical, fair way! CANCER CLINIC Hound: Government services to the unemployed, poor and sick are reduced... Hound: ...but so is the military! ARY BASE CHILD CARE CLOSED Hound: Maybe a public transportation project was canceled, making it difficult to get to work! BUS STOP COMING SOON CLOSED Hound: But understand: we are ALL making sacrifices! Gate 5 Voice: Due to air-traffic cutbacks, this flight is delayed by TWO HOURS. Hound: EEP! Hound: Excuse me -- I've got to make a call... Hello...Senator? Sequester-based air traffic cutbacks ahve been reversed. First Class may now board. Hound: Of course, we'd be crazy not to give ourselves some flexibility! Butler: Sir, it's the Defense Department. Your contract's been renewed. The End
Vermont Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Possum Pete almost 12 years ago
This is the actual trickle down effect. With the first class passengers boarding faster, we don’t have to wait in line as long. Win-win…
Mostly Water Premium Member almost 12 years ago
What me worry?
cezpaige almost 12 years ago
At least we now have evidence the sequester is as phony as it is draconian.
braindead Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Thank heaven they didn’t make it illegal for Congress and their staff to trade on inside information!
ofcr124 almost 12 years ago
Don’t forget that the Sequester was Obama’s idea!!!!!!
pam Miner almost 12 years ago
It was a mutually agreed on bad idea to force cooperation that didn’t work now of course the rich are getting their sides fixed back up.
jpozenel almost 12 years ago
I love a comic with a happy ending!
gocomics almost 12 years ago
It used to worry me that I didn’t understand the US economy, until I realized the people in charge of it don’t either.