Next it will SEXTING!“Honey could you……..NO I have a headache.”I had a Dodge patrol car circa 1988. It had a female voice that would say things like “The lights are on” and typical female it would nag and nag till you turned them off or fixed what she was complaining about. The best one I liked was when you did not close the door. This sexy female voice would go “The door is ajar” “The door is ajar”I would chime in “Stupid girl the door is not A JAR, a jar is a jar. Jeez now wonder you don’t know how to cook.”It would just confuse the crap out of some poor prisoner I was hauling to jail. I would say to them. “WIFE at home complains, dang car complains, you want to complain????”Answer meekly “no” I would say “GOOD”When you cant beat them dazzle them with BS.
justin Premium Member over 11 years ago
mikeopipes over 11 years ago
Did you write this from my life?
sunrae22 over 11 years ago
Imaginary girlfriends are trending right now.
libbydog over 11 years ago
Bonus panel – snerk!
Vet Premium Member over 11 years ago
Next it will SEXTING!“Honey could you……..NO I have a headache.”I had a Dodge patrol car circa 1988. It had a female voice that would say things like “The lights are on” and typical female it would nag and nag till you turned them off or fixed what she was complaining about. The best one I liked was when you did not close the door. This sexy female voice would go “The door is ajar” “The door is ajar”I would chime in “Stupid girl the door is not A JAR, a jar is a jar. Jeez now wonder you don’t know how to cook.”It would just confuse the crap out of some poor prisoner I was hauling to jail. I would say to them. “WIFE at home complains, dang car complains, you want to complain????”Answer meekly “no” I would say “GOOD”When you cant beat them dazzle them with BS.
weasleman4 over 11 years ago
Forever Alone!
WaffleMonster42 almost 9 years ago
Is it SIRI?