We had some wild weeds that grew along the old fence rows that came from the stuff they use to grow and sell and they made rope and stuff out of it. It shouldn’t be used for chewing like B.C. here. I’m not saying that that’s what he’s chewing, but if he’s hearing turtles moo, then it might make one wonder if it’s some prehistoric version. He’s not chewing anything in the last two panels. 8-)
Burnside217 over 11 years ago
We had some wild weeds that grew along the old fence rows that came from the stuff they use to grow and sell and they made rope and stuff out of it. It shouldn’t be used for chewing like B.C. here. I’m not saying that that’s what he’s chewing, but if he’s hearing turtles moo, then it might make one wonder if it’s some prehistoric version. He’s not chewing anything in the last two panels. 8-)
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 11 years ago
“with a moo, moo here,” goes with a cow in the song about Old McDonald but what about when you get to a turtle?Hsss, hsss here and a hss, hss there?
Mokoyombi over 11 years ago
Could it be a bilingual turtle?
annglor over 11 years ago
c e ball over 11 years ago
…take a trip and never leave the farm.
CashewJim over 11 years ago
Moo? Must be for cream of turtle soup.
jtviper7 over 11 years ago
You bet your sweet a$$ I am…
jppjr over 11 years ago
So?? The turtle took a foreign language…..
fixer1967 over 11 years ago
It is a turtle cow.http://www.quickbookshelp.com.au/images/ArtCows/Turtle%20Cow.jpg
kdrufcrn over 11 years ago
I still have the official membership card of Turtles, Inc. from1968. Haven’t heard anyone ask the question for years.