The Buckets by Greg Cravens for June 26, 2013

  1. Kitty
    cutiepie29  over 11 years ago

    Oh, believe me, as the only female in a house with four males, if there were a separate ladies room in the house, I would be using that one! Little boys with poor aim.

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  2. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 11 years ago

    A skill which never seems to improve with age…

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  3. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 11 years ago

    My aim has improved with age. However, as I get older, it gets worse.

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  4. Missing large
    Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago

    Easy Eddie.

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  5. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 11 years ago

    I have four boys and two girls, all but the oldest boy are still at home. Our old house had two bathrooms, one up, one down that we all shared. Our new home is one-story with two bathrooms so I made them boys and girls (since their dad didn’t move with us).

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  6. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 11 years ago

    LOL. You learn something new every day,

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  7. Dontpanic 100px img3779
    inshadowz  over 11 years ago

    One bathroom apartment here, and with my better half and our two daughters, and the cat, I’m the only male in the house. I want a second bathroom for Christmas!

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